wow. that helped a lot.
i just woke up from 12 hours worth of sleep!
i'm feeling much better and more centered about things and as tho i could take on the world!!
(cummon world! bring it!)
perhaps this will help me get my homework done...
i'm sooo looking forward to this weekend. it's going to be a great windown to a loooong week.
i have extra shifts at work to do and yet more projects are coming my way soon from school. (yay year-end!) i hope i survive!
this last weekend i had NO plans for saturday and as it turned out i ended up running into shenanigans anyways! it was wonderfull! i went to the school's play "school for scandal" and then went out with my friends S&C. i haven't seen them in a few weeks seeing as they were in California! (jerks!) it was sooo nice to hang out with them, S is such a funny man! and C is the cutest little girl in the world! there was so many funny/stupid things that happened at o'hanlans that night i wont even try to get them into this journal. but i had TONS of fun!
how was your weekends?
take care all!
i just woke up from 12 hours worth of sleep!

i'm feeling much better and more centered about things and as tho i could take on the world!!
(cummon world! bring it!)
perhaps this will help me get my homework done...
i'm sooo looking forward to this weekend. it's going to be a great windown to a loooong week.
i have extra shifts at work to do and yet more projects are coming my way soon from school. (yay year-end!) i hope i survive!
this last weekend i had NO plans for saturday and as it turned out i ended up running into shenanigans anyways! it was wonderfull! i went to the school's play "school for scandal" and then went out with my friends S&C. i haven't seen them in a few weeks seeing as they were in California! (jerks!) it was sooo nice to hang out with them, S is such a funny man! and C is the cutest little girl in the world! there was so many funny/stupid things that happened at o'hanlans that night i wont even try to get them into this journal. but i had TONS of fun!

how was your weekends?
take care all!

welcome to the land of lazyness lol i always try to get at least 12hours sleep, but thats if i can get to bed before 5:00 am.......god damn i wish i could sleep at night.......

Thank you so friggin much!