The pub-crawl that was going to happen happened without us (apparently they mistyped the flyers and it happened tonight not tomorrow
We are making our own fun!
Everyone is to congregate at my house (email/phone me for directions if you dont know where I live this means YOU Cool_Spot) at 7pm and then leave from here to wild and wacky adventures of DOOM outside the protective walls of my abode.
The agenda is as follows:
7+ish leave Minxs house to random bar shenanigans.
Random-time-oclock leave random bar of former shenanigans and head towards Queer bar of MORE shenanigans!
I have a fridge if anyone wants to keep booze at my house they can, and if anyone needs a floor/futon/bed to sleep in, I have all three!
You can also go check out Dolces journal if you want to hear everything I just said in her own words!
Be there or be SQUARE!

The pub-crawl that was going to happen happened without us (apparently they mistyped the flyers and it happened tonight not tomorrow

We are making our own fun!
Everyone is to congregate at my house (email/phone me for directions if you dont know where I live this means YOU Cool_Spot) at 7pm and then leave from here to wild and wacky adventures of DOOM outside the protective walls of my abode.

The agenda is as follows:
7+ish leave Minxs house to random bar shenanigans.
Random-time-oclock leave random bar of former shenanigans and head towards Queer bar of MORE shenanigans!

I have a fridge if anyone wants to keep booze at my house they can, and if anyone needs a floor/futon/bed to sleep in, I have all three!

You can also go check out Dolces journal if you want to hear everything I just said in her own words!

Be there or be SQUARE!

I pefer to look at it from this prospective.
Thousands of my ancestors were forced to work in horrible slave like conditions to build Canadas rail road. Many died, many were killed, they earned nothing for pay, and were barely fed and worked to death.
Have you ever heard for any compensation for any of the current day asian communites?
I sure havent. So my theory is they should let it go and fuck off already, if my people dont bitch, neither should theres.
[Edited on Oct 31, 2005 12:14AM]
[Edited on Oct 31, 2005 12:16AM]