Apparently Ive been tagged
That means you guys need to learn 20 things about me that you may or may not know.
1. I am adopted. Though I have been told I look strikingly like my (adopted) family.
2. Im going to have dentures by the time Im 25 cuz I have the worst teeth in the world. They decay like crazy no matter what sort of fancy dentistry I do to them.
3. I am a vegetarian and have been for 10 years.
4. I am pagan. I practice solitary though I am allied with a couple of covens.
5. I am queer. And proud to be so.
6. I am 4ft 11 inches tall. And love it!
7. My favourite thing to eat for breakfast is cereal. My favourites are alphabits, fruit loops, honey nut cherries and corn pops!
8. I cant spell worth a damn. Being online hasnt helped my English skillz at all! (stupid l33t sp33k)
9. I once made out with a radio show host.
10. I am a packrat extraordinaire! I can and do collect all sorts of crap and develop sentimental bonds to it so I cant get rid of it. My most popular excuse for not giving something up is cuz Itll be good for something someday.
11. Out of the 7 years Ive been in the dating game 6 of those have been in long-term committed relationships. 4 with the first boyfriend, 2 with the second and 1 year of single-hood in the middle. I have done WAY more shit in the last 6 months of being single than I did in the 2 years of the relationship beforehand. (Both with people, intimately or not, and in regards to travel and adventure!)
12. There are so many things that I am interested in that it sometime surprises me how much shit I know.
13. I think I have great people skills. Both at work (customer service) and at play.
14. I think my best physical features are eyes and my smile. (though my breast come in third)
15. I have 53 contacts on my MSN and only talk to 8 of those people in any reasonable amount of time. There are people on there I havent talk to at all since I got their msn though I know them all and could tell you their names and where they are currently.
16. My worst flaw is my procrastination. It really sucks when its at school cuz I always hand in assignments that could have been much better than they were but thats the best I could pull out of my ass at 3am the night before
17. The most romantic date Ive been on consisted of dinner at the Heliotrope (vegan restaurant in town that is since closed
), and then back to the hotel room at the Sask Hotel! I didnt know/expect any of it, it was a total surprise. Id marry that guy right now if I could! *sigh*
18. I have every flower a guy has ever given me. They are all dried and sitting around my house. This includes the first rose my first boyfriend gave me and the rose that came with the room at the Sask Hotel
19. This past summer I saw my first and second most favourite bands of all time live in concert! (#1= GreenDay, #2 = System of a Down) Im not sure how Ill top that next summer
20. I love doing these question things and I love reading others replies.
The end.
the soon-to-be tagged include:
That means you guys need to learn 20 things about me that you may or may not know.
1. I am adopted. Though I have been told I look strikingly like my (adopted) family.
2. Im going to have dentures by the time Im 25 cuz I have the worst teeth in the world. They decay like crazy no matter what sort of fancy dentistry I do to them.
3. I am a vegetarian and have been for 10 years.
4. I am pagan. I practice solitary though I am allied with a couple of covens.
5. I am queer. And proud to be so.
6. I am 4ft 11 inches tall. And love it!
7. My favourite thing to eat for breakfast is cereal. My favourites are alphabits, fruit loops, honey nut cherries and corn pops!
8. I cant spell worth a damn. Being online hasnt helped my English skillz at all! (stupid l33t sp33k)
9. I once made out with a radio show host.
10. I am a packrat extraordinaire! I can and do collect all sorts of crap and develop sentimental bonds to it so I cant get rid of it. My most popular excuse for not giving something up is cuz Itll be good for something someday.
11. Out of the 7 years Ive been in the dating game 6 of those have been in long-term committed relationships. 4 with the first boyfriend, 2 with the second and 1 year of single-hood in the middle. I have done WAY more shit in the last 6 months of being single than I did in the 2 years of the relationship beforehand. (Both with people, intimately or not, and in regards to travel and adventure!)
12. There are so many things that I am interested in that it sometime surprises me how much shit I know.
13. I think I have great people skills. Both at work (customer service) and at play.
14. I think my best physical features are eyes and my smile. (though my breast come in third)
15. I have 53 contacts on my MSN and only talk to 8 of those people in any reasonable amount of time. There are people on there I havent talk to at all since I got their msn though I know them all and could tell you their names and where they are currently.
16. My worst flaw is my procrastination. It really sucks when its at school cuz I always hand in assignments that could have been much better than they were but thats the best I could pull out of my ass at 3am the night before
17. The most romantic date Ive been on consisted of dinner at the Heliotrope (vegan restaurant in town that is since closed

18. I have every flower a guy has ever given me. They are all dried and sitting around my house. This includes the first rose my first boyfriend gave me and the rose that came with the room at the Sask Hotel
19. This past summer I saw my first and second most favourite bands of all time live in concert! (#1= GreenDay, #2 = System of a Down) Im not sure how Ill top that next summer
20. I love doing these question things and I love reading others replies.
The end.
the soon-to-be tagged include:

i know there are larger things, more important things, but it's the little things that sometimes can topple big things. for example, if i sent J an email saying 'I sleep with N', when I really meant to say 'I steep with N' ('cause him and I do drink tea together occasionally), can you imagine the problems that might cause?