Since Calgary, I've been out of touch with lots of friends. I tried to keep in contact with any many of the close friends as I could and at least facebook-poke those I didn't see all the time. Unfortunately my friendships waned and I felt very disconnected from everyone when I eventually returned. Granted, there had been lots of change happen over the time I...
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hey baby, come here often?

One last try?...
So, here I am...AGAIN! Miss me?
this time Satan has all my moneys for a year long membership. perhaps I'll actually use this account this time? counting on it!
i've been missing blogging, and i think i'll keep this one active.
partially because anyone i'm having troubles with in my life FOR SURE in not on here - unlike facebook. and partially...
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So, here I am...AGAIN! Miss me?
this time Satan has all my moneys for a year long membership. perhaps I'll actually use this account this time? counting on it!
i've been missing blogging, and i think i'll keep this one active.
partially because anyone i'm having troubles with in my life FOR SURE in not on here - unlike facebook. and partially...
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I am back too

well, i was going to cancel my account cuz i just haven't been around here at all and from the looks of things no one else has either...
but it says my account is complementary... wah?
i guess i'm not paying to be here. that's good to know!
so i guess i'll be around here a bit more. perhaps i'll even update with real news...
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but it says my account is complementary... wah?
i guess i'm not paying to be here. that's good to know!
so i guess i'll be around here a bit more. perhaps i'll even update with real news...
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The Minx! You are le back! Win! I missed you a bunch 'n' stuff!
Hells yeah we should! I am good to go on pretty much any night that does not come before a Tuesday or a Thursday, with the particular exception of tonight, as I am exhausted. When works for you?
Well I'm alive.
I'm managing at the porno-shack. I love it. I have the control that I've never had before. Every job I've had before this one I've had the responsibility of the/a manager but just not the title or pay. Now I have it all! Yay!
I miss everyone so much.
It's weird not having anyone to hang out with. I'm use to having...
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I'm managing at the porno-shack. I love it. I have the control that I've never had before. Every job I've had before this one I've had the responsibility of the/a manager but just not the title or pay. Now I have it all! Yay!
I miss everyone so much.
It's weird not having anyone to hang out with. I'm use to having...
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I like penises...well, one specific one anyways

Penis spanking mission complete. Success.... moderate. Repeat missions in future... most likely. Best advice ever.
Well I've officially hooked up my own computer now to the interweb, though I don't get to visit it as often as I'd like too
I do have a new job. I got the call just before I went to go hand out resumes on Monday. That's right, I got hired BEFORE I handed out any resumes I got hired back at the porno shack....
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I do have a new job. I got the call just before I went to go hand out resumes on Monday. That's right, I got hired BEFORE I handed out any resumes I got hired back at the porno shack....
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I'm looking forward to an answer to things that I'd like to be able to look back on soon.
And a taco. I love tacos.
And a taco. I love tacos.
wow! good work on the whole going to calgary thing. congrats! i'm proud of you.
i am alive.
Calgary is awesome. i go job hunting tomorrow. i don't have permanent access to internet yet, but it'll all come in time...
i want to go to Trailerpalooza. why does it have to be on whilst i'm out of town for the first time in, er, FOREVER??!!
but i may be able to go to see Satoshi Tomiie when he comes here...
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Calgary is awesome. i go job hunting tomorrow. i don't have permanent access to internet yet, but it'll all come in time...
i want to go to Trailerpalooza. why does it have to be on whilst i'm out of town for the first time in, er, FOREVER??!!

but i may be able to go to see Satoshi Tomiie when he comes here...
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Hey, I might even go to Trailerpalooza!!! Suitsme says he might need a photog...have camera, will travel.
Good luck on the job hunting!! I'm sure that with your charm, you'll have your pick of the jobs. Maybe we can meet up at the end of May when I come out to Calgary to photograph some beautiful naked girls outdoors in the mountains!!
Good luck on the job hunting!! I'm sure that with your charm, you'll have your pick of the jobs. Maybe we can meet up at the end of May when I come out to Calgary to photograph some beautiful naked girls outdoors in the mountains!!
It is weird that we both escaped Sask
I am actually in Calgary (at the airport) on Monday morning and again on the 17th (once again airport) but I think that I am stranded for an hour or so on the 17th if you are bored
I am still sad I didn't get to see you before I left
Hope all is well

Well, things are going. Not exactly as quickly as I originally planned, but going none the less. Packing is WAY behind schedule, and my final project is falling into place slowly but steadily. Man I hate being sick. It took me out for a few good long days during this crunch period and that's what set me back. Bah humbug.
Okay, and minor rant:
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Okay, and minor rant:
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Shoulda come out on Saturday night. Could have gotten your drunk on. That gets everyone working harder and more smoothly. That's why it's redomended that after heavy drinking one should follow up with operation of heavy machinary. That's how it goes right?
hey u, so we are meeting for sushi again...april 12th at michi around 7...hope to see you there

Goodbye Regina Hello Cowtown!
This little Minx is leaving soon for a summer adventure. Going to city of cowboys/girls and going to earn some dough before returning for school
My best friend is going up there for work and I'm going to go with him and live in Calgary for a few months. It's defiantly going to be new. And defiantly going to be scary!...
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This little Minx is leaving soon for a summer adventure. Going to city of cowboys/girls and going to earn some dough before returning for school
My best friend is going up there for work and I'm going to go with him and live in Calgary for a few months. It's defiantly going to be new. And defiantly going to be scary!...
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You going to O'Hanlons tonight??

Hey Girly! I don't know if you are going to get this before tonight but I don't have your cell number with me (I put it into my cell phone and it got packed by mistake and sent home today)
but I am not going tonight. I AM however coming to sushi night if it is still going on
That will be a little more conversation friendly than the bar
I really hope you are going to be there this week

I really hope you are going to be there this week

How to Get Your Girlfriend to Play Video Games
You are part of it!
La la la la la la la la
Download this Song!
cable guy comes tomorrow. i hope it's not jim carey.
time for bed, i have a big day ahead of me tomorrow. lots of reading, wallpaper to remove, house to clean, D&D to play... man, i live the hard...
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You are part of it!
La la la la la la la la
Download this Song!
cable guy comes tomorrow. i hope it's not jim carey.
time for bed, i have a big day ahead of me tomorrow. lots of reading, wallpaper to remove, house to clean, D&D to play... man, i live the hard...
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Catchy song
I am officially gone on the 14th of April so I am hoping that a gathering of some sorts is in the future

Official dessert-y details posted in today's blog 

SG programmers: SUCK MY BALLZ!!!
to elaborate: i hate this new site with it's "FLASH EVERYTHING". yes, it's shiny, but not a well design at all. i can't post simple links with out if fucking up and crashing or adding character where there were none... or whatever! fuck!
therefore ---> start sucking.... I'm waiting!
to elaborate: i hate this new site with it's "FLASH EVERYTHING". yes, it's shiny, but not a well design at all. i can't post simple links with out if fucking up and crashing or adding character where there were none... or whatever! fuck!
therefore ---> start sucking.... I'm waiting!
well said, although my dislike for the new layout is nowhere near as refined haha

I can't explain it either. When I got on the plane, I had packed in enuff sun and warmth and surf and sand to last us all until July......those Canada Customs guys must have taken it out of my suitcase cause I didn't have an import permit!