well. nice to see that the rain let up enough for me to mow the lawn yesterday. Took me almost two hours to get through the overgrown mess with my old-fashioned people-powered mower. At which point I said, "to hell with raking". Sadly, After I got done, recovered a bit and was getting ready to head to the store, I look out the window and see my 89 year-old neighbor with the sheers trimming the bits I missed underneath the rail fence. Hmmm, now I am sure that she thinks I am lazy, a bad neighbor and take horrible carer of my yard, but honestly, have you ever tried to trim under that kind of fence with this kind of mower. I didn't put up the fence, if the scaggly bits of grass between our yards bothers her that much, let her at it.
ok, well, now that I got that off my chest.
my life is boring. really boring. and... a friend stood me up yesterday. perhaps I was supposed to call, but I was certain that they were going to touch basse after dinner with the family. huh.
ugh... I guess I should be more actively looking for a job. I keep pulling awesome jobs that I should apply for off of the net, and then not getting around to applying for them. dang, maybe I don't want them that badly. I don't know, maybe I fear that I will get stuck in another shitty hell hole and be miserable forever after. I didn't realize how badly that job had beaten me down. what it did for my esteem, or lack there of. but, time to get over it. I am having fun temping. I need to learn to be WAY more frugal with my money at the moment to make sure that I can continue to do this temping thing. oi...
ok... I could get all insightful and stuff here but, honeslty, I'd rather deal with the surface level crap first... with that said... I got stuff to do!
ok, well, now that I got that off my chest.
my life is boring. really boring. and... a friend stood me up yesterday. perhaps I was supposed to call, but I was certain that they were going to touch basse after dinner with the family. huh.
ugh... I guess I should be more actively looking for a job. I keep pulling awesome jobs that I should apply for off of the net, and then not getting around to applying for them. dang, maybe I don't want them that badly. I don't know, maybe I fear that I will get stuck in another shitty hell hole and be miserable forever after. I didn't realize how badly that job had beaten me down. what it did for my esteem, or lack there of. but, time to get over it. I am having fun temping. I need to learn to be WAY more frugal with my money at the moment to make sure that I can continue to do this temping thing. oi...
ok... I could get all insightful and stuff here but, honeslty, I'd rather deal with the surface level crap first... with that said... I got stuff to do!
Let's win the lottery and be done with worring about money.

Well if your bored you should hang out wint me sometime!