So, I have gone from working roughly 60-75 hours per week to working 20 hours a week. It has been a bit of a culture shock. I don't cope well with the under business. And sadly, the hours I don't work are the hours all my friends work, and the hours I do work are the hours my friends don't. LAME.
oh well.... I have slipped into night-owl mode way too easily. And I find myself trying to get myself to sleep at 2, 3, 4 am-ish.
I know that when I do get a job again this is going to bite me in the ass.
but... being the weekend, I feel compelled to write myself a pass to stay up as late as I choose, too bad I don't know of any parties... oh wait, shit, I do, but now its too late to figure out where it is. oh well, I have a fluffy cat curled up next to me, a beer in hand, my laptop, Buffy on DVD and even a good book or two to wrap up.
I have had two friends tell me they love me over the phone in the last, oh 24 hours, and find myself praying for no further complications at this time.
Am I too old to run away from home?
oh well.... I have slipped into night-owl mode way too easily. And I find myself trying to get myself to sleep at 2, 3, 4 am-ish.
I know that when I do get a job again this is going to bite me in the ass.
but... being the weekend, I feel compelled to write myself a pass to stay up as late as I choose, too bad I don't know of any parties... oh wait, shit, I do, but now its too late to figure out where it is. oh well, I have a fluffy cat curled up next to me, a beer in hand, my laptop, Buffy on DVD and even a good book or two to wrap up.
I have had two friends tell me they love me over the phone in the last, oh 24 hours, and find myself praying for no further complications at this time.
Am I too old to run away from home?
i have been laid off 3 times in the past 5 years. During the last lay off I got the state of mn to pay for some computer classes. so after i get certified I can start looking for a part-time gig. because the next time i get laid off I am switching careers.
helped me during my last unemployement.
good luck
[Edited on Jan 15, 2006 3:30AM]