wow, my posting has been sporadic at best.
Today I am left with one whole day off from any work, and I am stupified. What now? where? who?
well.... I was thinking half price books. shoes.... I need more. really, i do. a bike ride. maybe take my book with me and read at the lake or something.
I was going to get up early...
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Today I am left with one whole day off from any work, and I am stupified. What now? where? who?
well.... I was thinking half price books. shoes.... I need more. really, i do. a bike ride. maybe take my book with me and read at the lake or something.
I was going to get up early...
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Oooh, and I do love the new purse!
whao. Its been forever. unplanned totally. I hate dial up AND I miss my laptop. once I get those two items remedied, I'll be much happier.
well, yesterday I experienced part one of a Root Canal. Last week I had a tooth filled, it was a whole big nightmare I care not to go into. but lets just say, yesterday was a dream in comparison....
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well, yesterday I experienced part one of a Root Canal. Last week I had a tooth filled, it was a whole big nightmare I care not to go into. but lets just say, yesterday was a dream in comparison....
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ok having recovered from the wole car getting egged incident. I am prepare to move forward with my life.
I am still a roller coaster of a mess. ups and downs.
I like the schedule I am working at the moment and I am trying to enjoy it while it lasts... but, the looming darkeness that it will not last is bringing me down.
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I am still a roller coaster of a mess. ups and downs.
I like the schedule I am working at the moment and I am trying to enjoy it while it lasts... but, the looming darkeness that it will not last is bringing me down.
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It's hard not to let the idiots of the world get you down somedays. Glad you are feeling better. The job will come...

Yo! Mistress! WRITE!
Can't wait until Thursday. It was nice seeing you today. Sorry I was so tired.

dissapointment and dicouragement....
I try to be perky. happy-go-lucky, chipper blah vlah blah. in fact, I have been making a huge effort to be better about the way I treat people in the phone when at work at the call center. (even when I think they are absolute idiots).
in fact today, I patted myself on the back for doing so well. I got off...
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I try to be perky. happy-go-lucky, chipper blah vlah blah. in fact, I have been making a huge effort to be better about the way I treat people in the phone when at work at the call center. (even when I think they are absolute idiots).
in fact today, I patted myself on the back for doing so well. I got off...
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Well said!!
It's sad that people have to act like this.
Just keep on keepin on sweetie
Just keep on keepin on sweetie

Well SG. its been for bleedin ever since I have been here.
Lots been going on, but sadly no scandle to report.
I went to NYC for a weekend with my dad and his wife... I like it there. and I realy like Brooklyn! I think I would like to get a publishing job out there... but hopefully work from here and then get flown...
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Lots been going on, but sadly no scandle to report.
I went to NYC for a weekend with my dad and his wife... I like it there. and I realy like Brooklyn! I think I would like to get a publishing job out there... but hopefully work from here and then get flown...
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well. nice to see that the rain let up enough for me to mow the lawn yesterday. Took me almost two hours to get through the overgrown mess with my old-fashioned people-powered mower. At which point I said, "to hell with raking". Sadly, After I got done, recovered a bit and was getting ready to head to the store, I look out the window and...
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Let's win the lottery and be done with worring about money.

Well if your bored you should hang out wint me sometime!

ok. I like temping when I have work.
I was at the office today... and like at around 4 ish this window pops up on my desktop that says "beer-oclock in 15 minutes" beer? what? you mean beer? damn, I love being a graphic designer. beer on Fridays. in the office. that's what its all about. I'm just sad that next friday, I'm unavailable to...
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I was at the office today... and like at around 4 ish this window pops up on my desktop that says "beer-oclock in 15 minutes" beer? what? you mean beer? damn, I love being a graphic designer. beer on Fridays. in the office. that's what its all about. I'm just sad that next friday, I'm unavailable to...
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top shelf margaritas are your friend!!!!have a blast in NYC..i leave for vacation in 2 days--can't wait wont be back till june.

ok..... I went to the eye doctor and lived to tell about it!
for me, this is a horrible experience to go through. I had a bad incident as a child that has left me a bit tarnished.
We had just moved to Colorado (I was perhaps eight years old at best) and I had developed severe hay fever. My poor eyes were blistered, puffy...
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for me, this is a horrible experience to go through. I had a bad incident as a child that has left me a bit tarnished.
We had just moved to Colorado (I was perhaps eight years old at best) and I had developed severe hay fever. My poor eyes were blistered, puffy...
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wow, has it really been since April 25th since my last SG confession?
ok then, got some catching up to do.
first off, hit a dry spell in the temp work... this also equals a dry spell in in the pocket book. and it also equals a unbalanced emo spell in the midset. ugh.
second, I been hanging with friend the last couple of Fridays,...
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ok then, got some catching up to do.
first off, hit a dry spell in the temp work... this also equals a dry spell in in the pocket book. and it also equals a unbalanced emo spell in the midset. ugh.
second, I been hanging with friend the last couple of Fridays,...
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You make me smile

I know those days. The good news is; you'll get more work. The bad news is; you'll get more work.

today was a long day... worked 9-5:30 and then to a friends for dinner (ok, out to dinner) then off to free ice cream, then to her house where we drank beer (old speckled something or another) yum... we saw a preview for master and commander on tv, and about jumped out of out seats and decided we needed to watch it. hmmmm...
then. the...
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then. the...
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beer will do that to ya,hope ya got some good sleep..

Sounds really good to me. Beer and icecream. I gave up both to be Laura Croft.
I hope it's worth it! We need to go out for Thai after Convergence and I'm off the diet.