well, last night was sad. i called my mom who i found out was at my grandparents. (forgot about that wedding,) and my mom told me she talked to darren. WEIRD. haha. anyways. she also told me that my auntie gail had passed away monday morning. how sad. i dont even know where to begin. i love you sandra & matthew & don!! now she was not even related to me blood wise, she was related by my step-dad. but a lot of his family i consider them my family and i love them, except for him & his dad. i like everyone else htough. but yea, i cried . it was sad. and so me and melissa went for a walk, and we shared a bunch of stuff about ourselves, and i feel a lot more comfortable here now, like i fit it. its nice. i have just been trying to keep myself busy so that way i dont think about death. cuz nathan also told me how a friend of his hung himself the other day. like how freaking sad. i want you to talk to me whenever you need to okay? call me at fucking 5 in the morning . i dont care. if you need me. ill be here okay. and you know who you are that im talking about pretty. i love you.


my hugs make people feel good