finally i got to sleep in today! how exciting. until 10
i know that does not seem late, but i went to bed early too, so. i just like not having to wake up to an alarm clock. we went to the mall today. i think i had been walking for a total of 5 1/2 - 6 hours. wow. have not done that in a while. i loved it though. bought myself some clothes! and jewellery , and stuff from la senza. i also bought kelsey something too. now for nathan, and possibly my little brother, and something for kristin. yikes. oh well. still got a couple of weeks. this sounds lame but i wish we had school on the weekends. just cuz i cant go out and do anything, and whenever there is nothing to do i am always in my room on the computer. and it is so beautiful out i want to go outside. but do what though? i suppose i could go outside and read a book. i really should buy a french novel. bon idee ! lundi i shall do that. i have no complaints about today. well not yet anyways.
au revoir!

au revoir!

what a exciting life you live