This year can't be over soon enough. I am just exhausted. I haven't had a day off this month, and I am supposed to be off on Saturday and Sunday now but who knows, they keep calling me to work, and my underpaid ass keeps saying yes and showing up when they say. I am one of those people who have too hard of a time saying no.
So I end up driving an hour away for a two hour shift, or picking up an additional 14 hour shift because some of my co-workers can't seem to get their shit straight and start fighting at work. Seriously people grow up. You don't have to like the people you work with, but you can act professionally.
There are some good things about 2007. I went to my first World Series, and it was totally awesome!!! Thank you Rockies for giving me something to smile about this year. Now that my hubby and I don't have the exact same work schedules he does appreciate me more. I miss seeing him terribly, but our time together is really special even after the ten years we've already been together.
I keep telling my husband I wish we would skip Christmas. I know he thinks that I'm kidding, but I'm not. I haven't put up one decoration yet, and today is already the 13th. Our Christmas decorations are really beautiful, and I have so much sentimental stuff I enjoy being around, but the work thing just has me in such a bah humbug mood. I have bought a couple of presents. My mom is done, and so is my sister-in-law who I drew in our family Santa thing. Well, that's not exactly true, my husband drew her name, I picked another of his sisters who just wanted a gift card to one place, and he looks at me and says wanna trade? So I get the sister with the long list of girlie things. Yes, I know it makes sense that I get the girlie list, but still.
I wish I could spend more time getting to know some of you. I just haven't had the time to send messages or chat lately and I can't even keep up with my friend's blogs, and I certainly wish I could. I want to be a good friend and wish all of you well.

There are some good things about 2007. I went to my first World Series, and it was totally awesome!!! Thank you Rockies for giving me something to smile about this year. Now that my hubby and I don't have the exact same work schedules he does appreciate me more. I miss seeing him terribly, but our time together is really special even after the ten years we've already been together.
I keep telling my husband I wish we would skip Christmas. I know he thinks that I'm kidding, but I'm not. I haven't put up one decoration yet, and today is already the 13th. Our Christmas decorations are really beautiful, and I have so much sentimental stuff I enjoy being around, but the work thing just has me in such a bah humbug mood. I have bought a couple of presents. My mom is done, and so is my sister-in-law who I drew in our family Santa thing. Well, that's not exactly true, my husband drew her name, I picked another of his sisters who just wanted a gift card to one place, and he looks at me and says wanna trade? So I get the sister with the long list of girlie things. Yes, I know it makes sense that I get the girlie list, but still.
I wish I could spend more time getting to know some of you. I just haven't had the time to send messages or chat lately and I can't even keep up with my friend's blogs, and I certainly wish I could. I want to be a good friend and wish all of you well.
