So it's been awhile since I've posted some thoughts, and I think now is a good time to get some things off my chest....
I love Halloween, this year I haven't been able to celebrate like I want to, but I still enjoy the morbid feeling of the day, and best wishes to all of my ghoulish friends!!
To anyone who loves sports the way I do, I just had close to the ultimate experience. I love baseball. My mom always told me that after I was born, she could always calm me listening to the Pirates games on the radio, and some things have never changed. I am a Colorado Rockies season ticket holder, so I have been able to experience all of the ride this season, and it's been great. Thanks guys for the special season, and time I will never forget. Next time, you can win it all. I know that the team I was rooting for didn't win, but being there to witness a world championship in my favorite sport, was truly exceptional. Now I can only hope and pray that my Pirates will at some point, well, just not suck.
Damn you people get on my nerves. First off, turn on your fucking headlights. If it's dark out, it's not that hard to figure that it's the right thing to do, but too many people have trouble with that concept. Also, if it's bad weather, rain, fog, snow, etc., again, turn the headlights on. I don't care if you think you can see just fine. I can't see your damn silver car, and I really don't want to run into it. I like my car in one piece.
Okay, so you're driving along and you want to get onto the highway, you take the onramp to merge into traffic going 65 MPH or so. DON'T FUCKING GO 40 MPH. That's right, you heard me, you are going to get your ass slammed into the car in front of you or spun out or cause someone to wreck because you're not smart enough to not go 20 miles per hour under the speed limit when merging onto the highway. Damn. Seriously I see this almost every day, and I don't travel at rush hour or really busy times because that's not how my life works. I don't know why this should be so hard for people to understand, but get your car up to a speed that's safe and proper for everyone when you get on the freeway.
So there are some basic courtesies involved in going to a game, concert or movie that should be observed. Don't walk in front of people if there's action going on. Someone's at bat, the team's in the middle of a drive, it's a big action scene, the band's playing your favorite song etc. Have some common courtesy and don't block people from the viewing the event they paid good money for.
So you're taking your kid to an event. They're little and their feet don't quite hit the ground so they tend to dangle, and when they dangle they like to kick. Ok, I get it. However, it is NEVER, and I mean NEVER acceptable to kick the seat of the person in front of you. I don't know who I pissed off lately, but every game I've attended recently I've had a kid behind me who likes to kick my seat. That's fucking annoying to say the least. If you're taking your kids with you, please please tell them that they can't kick the seat of the person in front of them, that it's not a nice thing to do, and keep an eye on them so if they start doing things that aren't acceptable, you can stop them, and I don't have to turn around and correct them. They're not my kids. If you or your kids can't act properly at a game or an event, you shouldn't be there.
Well that's about it for now, best wishes to all of my SG friends!!!
I love Halloween, this year I haven't been able to celebrate like I want to, but I still enjoy the morbid feeling of the day, and best wishes to all of my ghoulish friends!!
To anyone who loves sports the way I do, I just had close to the ultimate experience. I love baseball. My mom always told me that after I was born, she could always calm me listening to the Pirates games on the radio, and some things have never changed. I am a Colorado Rockies season ticket holder, so I have been able to experience all of the ride this season, and it's been great. Thanks guys for the special season, and time I will never forget. Next time, you can win it all. I know that the team I was rooting for didn't win, but being there to witness a world championship in my favorite sport, was truly exceptional. Now I can only hope and pray that my Pirates will at some point, well, just not suck.
Damn you people get on my nerves. First off, turn on your fucking headlights. If it's dark out, it's not that hard to figure that it's the right thing to do, but too many people have trouble with that concept. Also, if it's bad weather, rain, fog, snow, etc., again, turn the headlights on. I don't care if you think you can see just fine. I can't see your damn silver car, and I really don't want to run into it. I like my car in one piece.
Okay, so you're driving along and you want to get onto the highway, you take the onramp to merge into traffic going 65 MPH or so. DON'T FUCKING GO 40 MPH. That's right, you heard me, you are going to get your ass slammed into the car in front of you or spun out or cause someone to wreck because you're not smart enough to not go 20 miles per hour under the speed limit when merging onto the highway. Damn. Seriously I see this almost every day, and I don't travel at rush hour or really busy times because that's not how my life works. I don't know why this should be so hard for people to understand, but get your car up to a speed that's safe and proper for everyone when you get on the freeway.
So there are some basic courtesies involved in going to a game, concert or movie that should be observed. Don't walk in front of people if there's action going on. Someone's at bat, the team's in the middle of a drive, it's a big action scene, the band's playing your favorite song etc. Have some common courtesy and don't block people from the viewing the event they paid good money for.
So you're taking your kid to an event. They're little and their feet don't quite hit the ground so they tend to dangle, and when they dangle they like to kick. Ok, I get it. However, it is NEVER, and I mean NEVER acceptable to kick the seat of the person in front of you. I don't know who I pissed off lately, but every game I've attended recently I've had a kid behind me who likes to kick my seat. That's fucking annoying to say the least. If you're taking your kids with you, please please tell them that they can't kick the seat of the person in front of them, that it's not a nice thing to do, and keep an eye on them so if they start doing things that aren't acceptable, you can stop them, and I don't have to turn around and correct them. They're not my kids. If you or your kids can't act properly at a game or an event, you shouldn't be there.
Well that's about it for now, best wishes to all of my SG friends!!!

And my PS3 arrived the other day. Can't have it til Christmas though.
How are you? You've been gone a while.