Currently daily life seems difficult, I don't wanna sound emo tbh, but I just need a small vent cause I don't really wanna bother my mates because it's nothing specific, it's just all the little things that get on top of you some days.
I miss sunshine, I miss my friends, I miss this man:

I'm sure everything will blow over in a few days, it usually does. I'm just a bit down and don't wanna show other people around me, it always feels worse when you bottle things up. I have found listening to Queen, Bowie, T-Rex and other bands of a similar time period/genre helpful though, but it must be done loud, with singing involved!
Anyway enough of the miserable stuff! General News......
I am no longer working in the bar (I think when you've phoned up to apologize that you will be slightly late and was told it was fine , then when you get there you get told to "get your fucking coat and fuck off home" you realise you don't wish to work for someone like that)
I have signed a contract for my new home for the next 3 years, I'm quite excited about the prospect as I don't really like the feeling of halls, they feel impersonal and I wish to have the full independence of a home again.
Neal is coming on Friday to spend an entire weekend with me as I no longer work in said bar which will make me feel tons better. We're gonna go see Cloverfield and I'm a big wuss when it comes to films with blood in them, lol. I'll prolly hide behind him if it's too gross for me!
I also went to see Tragique for her birthday this weekend, fun was had and drink was drunk

I got to see bunnypudding too who I'd not seen for a while. Bless her, she wasn't her usual self as she was poorly.
I'm shitting beans for Wednesday as I will collect my semester 1 results, I honestly don't know what I will get and I'm so very nervous. More so than the actual exams I think!
I have made my first batch of candles (eco and vegan friendly) and handed them to AesirR who seems to be very happy with them, so if anyone would like some, please let me know as I will make them to order!
Phew, right, all vented and what-not! I hope you're all doing well and I apologize for my lack of communication of late, sometimes I just miss things, I don't mean to seem like I'm neglecting anyone!
I'm curious now it has to be said.