Meh, I caught the dreaded "freshers flu". Kinda serves me right though for smoking lord knows how many cigs in the space of 1hr 1/2 Otherwise starting at uni hasn't been so bad! For starters we've had no work to do, lol. That will all change as of today!
I'm quite glad I've managed to make a couple of friends so quickly. I was dreading I was gonna be billy-no-mates for a few weeks. It seems drink is all you need for your jaw to slacken (or in my case, not shut up) .
I'm off to the college in a bit for my 1st full lessons, chemistry then maths, oh the joys!
EDIT: Right, today wasn't so bad after all, but they are easing us in to the subjects seeing as some of us haven't been in the education system for aaaages (5 years for me)! I'm a bit underconfident in my own abilities sometimes. Hopefully once I've had a couple of weeks, I'll be steaming ahead like I used to, plus if I'm fearful I can't achieve the grades I need, then I'm going no further am I? I'm kinda glad I haven't paid for a TV license, means I can't get distracted either! Thus working my big socks off
Whilst in one of my lessons I had a strange sensation for a moment.... I thought about how weird it felt not working full time any longer, but it felt so right being where I was. Things are on the up I also have a job interview on Friday and I'm going home this weekend to see Smudge46, I'm like, annoyingly happy currently
I'm quite glad I've managed to make a couple of friends so quickly. I was dreading I was gonna be billy-no-mates for a few weeks. It seems drink is all you need for your jaw to slacken (or in my case, not shut up) .
I'm off to the college in a bit for my 1st full lessons, chemistry then maths, oh the joys!
EDIT: Right, today wasn't so bad after all, but they are easing us in to the subjects seeing as some of us haven't been in the education system for aaaages (5 years for me)! I'm a bit underconfident in my own abilities sometimes. Hopefully once I've had a couple of weeks, I'll be steaming ahead like I used to, plus if I'm fearful I can't achieve the grades I need, then I'm going no further am I? I'm kinda glad I haven't paid for a TV license, means I can't get distracted either! Thus working my big socks off
Whilst in one of my lessons I had a strange sensation for a moment.... I thought about how weird it felt not working full time any longer, but it felt so right being where I was. Things are on the up I also have a job interview on Friday and I'm going home this weekend to see Smudge46, I'm like, annoyingly happy currently
cause of the career path that was chosen for me, i had to do maths to, i absolutly suck at it i failed every term
Where's your job interview at? you could get a job behind the bar at The Angel I bet you'd love that. For all your gig tickety needs Jumbo tis the place for tickety type malarky I tells thee I usually order them online then picke them up in the shop whenever.