As per usual a fairly uneventful time since the last blog! Due to this I came to the decision, I need a life - I need to get out more.... One problem with that one, I can't burn the candle at both ends, what with work and a lack of free days

Work and shitty customers aside I have had one night out last week for NickBrickett's birthday. As always fun was had and my other half came out for a change!

Otherwise I've had a nice break this week cause my friend was visiting from Ipswich so I booked a couple of days off. God I've missed that gal. It's kinda annoying both our schedules stop us from meeting up and I'm moving further away from her when I go to uni . As long as we can have a piss up together once a year we'll have to settle for that
Also the fella was 28 on Thursday so we went shopping in the Bullring.
We're off bowling tonight. I'm so going to need the kiddy barriers after a few bevvies!
Edit - I suck so much at bowling, I kept going off into the right gutter!! My theory was the alley was sloped. And I'm such a stupid git it's unreal . the in-laws find my random moments highly amusing, glad they thought it was due to the red bull and not the alcohol!
i'm sorry i was a bit shy. next time i'll talk more, promise x