My column, The Erogenous Zone, needs your help!
Attention lovelies:
In the near future, I'm putting together a column of real embarassing/funny/horrifying/otherwise entertaining sexual moments (because let's be honest...they're fucking hilarious). I will include mine, but I NEED YOUR HELP.
So this is a call to all...if you've got a story, please send it to me. There is no deadline. I'll only need a few to put one piece together, but I would like to make it a recurring feature in my column, so give me all you've got!
***All submissions will remain anonymous!***
send to:
Attention lovelies:
In the near future, I'm putting together a column of real embarassing/funny/horrifying/otherwise entertaining sexual moments (because let's be honest...they're fucking hilarious). I will include mine, but I NEED YOUR HELP.
So this is a call to all...if you've got a story, please send it to me. There is no deadline. I'll only need a few to put one piece together, but I would like to make it a recurring feature in my column, so give me all you've got!
***All submissions will remain anonymous!***
send to:
hmmmm.... I must have something to add to this. Let's see if I can dig anything up from my archives ... anything at all. 

Oh gods have i got stories for you then!!