Some days I think "What happened to me"? The person I used to be in times past. When I had time to be, exist. I didn't like myself much then. I was unpopular, different. I liked to read, write. I didn't care for the "popular " culture of the day. Pappagalo, Izod, Top 40. I was ostricized by classmates for being weird and gross. My hair was unkemp,wild, my sense of style was entirely my own.
Now I try to find that girl again. Fun and free and entirely my own person.
Damn convention.
Damn the "socially acceptable" lemmings dropping over the cliffs . Following every other mindless automoton . Damn the PTA and the Oprahs book of the month club.
After I had my lovely children and my husband went off his nut I found that I needed the mommies groups for support. However fitting in required me to conform to their thinking, their style, their way of life. Don't get me wrong I like the whole "white picket fence" thing but, Donna Reed was always more of a Stepford wife then a role model to me.
So here I sit, rejecting the balls of shit that have been fed to me by the masses and I think "can I find me again".....
Now I try to find that girl again. Fun and free and entirely my own person.
Damn convention.
Damn the "socially acceptable" lemmings dropping over the cliffs . Following every other mindless automoton . Damn the PTA and the Oprahs book of the month club.
After I had my lovely children and my husband went off his nut I found that I needed the mommies groups for support. However fitting in required me to conform to their thinking, their style, their way of life. Don't get me wrong I like the whole "white picket fence" thing but, Donna Reed was always more of a Stepford wife then a role model to me.
So here I sit, rejecting the balls of shit that have been fed to me by the masses and I think "can I find me again".....