Website under server change resulting in many mishaps.
Nearly lost all work emails.
Cannot log in to my now as the old web email is invalid.
Hopefully this will rectify.
Have been without phone for 2 weeks, including during a festival in Romania,
Insurance company have failed new phone order&delivery THRICE.
Cannot contact clients. Cannot work. Cannot reply. Not professional.
Instagram with 23.5k followers got deleted.
It will be back, mark my words.
Recent heartbreak.
Recent accusation of theft from friend (insanity) amongst other unnecessary nastiness.
Got a knife pulled on me during a mugging,
Did not hand over my phone,
Did not get stabbed, did get everything back minus £20.
Very sick and have no speaking voice.
Diabetes is a bit out of control, stress related.
Safe to say, it’s been a trying month.
I will stay positive!
Just a basic summary, there's a lot more.
At what point is Stoicism better than letting it out,
and vice versa?
Send hugs.
The rabbit hole of depression and self attracting drama is definitely a deep one, and one I have found myself in quite a few times. Stoicism and journalling, saved me, from me. I don't need to be exceptional and amazing, I just need to be content with picking the best "shit sandwich". I'm glad you came out the other side and found a better more positive way @mistress.
@dlistsupervillain thank you, and I'm glad you have realised it all too!