Fun Time -
Whats your favorite horror film?
- Slumber Party Massacre Two
Whats you favorite "bad guy"?
- Hot dude in Slumber Party 2
Whats your middle name?
- Janell
Whats your favorite horror film?
- Slumber Party Massacre Two
Whats you favorite "bad guy"?
- Hot dude in Slumber Party 2
Whats your middle name?
- Janell
- I'm not really into horror movies, but I loved Scream.. I know, that's totally lame
Whats you favorite "bad guy"?
- This isn't actually horror, it's action, but I love the bad guy in Terminator 2. He's all melty and stuff. "Call for John. I know this hurts, call for John."
Whats your middle name?
- Elizabeth
I can't wait to see your new set!! Let us know when it's Q'd, please!