because now you just need to continue valentine... but you need to keep the ilusion in your heart anyway... and so you go out again at the end of the day... but the sun could make you blind yet... and then you see out there first some colored ballons in the air... some ballon championship festival... and then you see everywhere the town all those people looking at the ballons and taking pictures and all that shit... so nice... so cute... you really don't like very much the sun valentine... and you will have to burn some more gas to find a place without so much ballon admires to burn some more grass and get your own airy trip... but the image of the baloons well could inspire some poetic sensible image in some sensible poetic mind valentine... and then you begin to think you almost have got a definition for your self... you are not a poet valentine... neither a cursed poet... you are a little man cursed by the desire of beeing a cursed poet... and then all you have to do now is to get a good definition for a poem mister... good... so good... and to get a way of being cursed as welll...
but what is a poem alice please... so good valentine...
you fear you would have to consider the term "poem" a completely indefinite term forever...
but at least on curses you think you know enough mister... do you mister...
and then for a while you keep the ilusion that you forgot her... but just for a while valentine... but the time was enough for you to take a look at the night program in some somewhat distante neighbourhood of hers... to look for some populated night music event where you could immerse yourself with some pleasure... and some illusion of course valentine... sorry... but you need some to live... and then you see there foo figthers cover... what a fuck... but you would well want to go there why not if she was also to be there for you continuing to keep the illusion... god mister... but you know she will not be there and so you will not be there... you have forgot her for a while and just for a while valentine... but you will try so carefully to not being in some place she well could be at night... at least not in the period she could be there... so wrong moves you have done... foo fighters cover valentine....who knows anyway... because you must keep the illusion... and you have got a bottle of tequila... and you are so pretty vacant anyway...
but you just can not take a look at some woman eyes you love for whatever reasons and go away when her eyes don't ask clearly for you to go valentine... oh no... you just can't... and sometimes you begin to believe you have got clear signals in both directions... some showing she wants you maybe to go and some showing she wants you maybe to stay... then you go really crazy man...
and then you begin to think that it is so hard to be free...
should I stay or should I go valentine... god...
you should go live by the river mister... oh yeah...
and yeah I am drunk but please don't complain because it is because of you valentine... please don't complain... and then you are in some gls place valentine... because love has to be said but you also want so much to be loved... and there you believe you would have more chances of being loved by some kind of human being of course mister... some kind human being and yes of course dear... but I am not talking about solo di l'orientamento sessuale valentine... but it is so good when any two directions can make some arrangement anyway... two at least mister... oh yeah...
and then you come back home by dawn and you are almost happy... you almost want to thanks god for having surpassed one more night without causing her any big problem... and because just night matters in your counting of the days... you love her so much and night is just her self and body valentine... night is just her writting in her blog while smoking a cigarrete or kissing some one else some where you don't know where... and you are almost happy but it looks that you will never fix your sanity again... but you will fix it later valentine... you hope so anyway... but you really don't mind now...
because now if she does not accept you as a man then you can not consider yourself a man valentine...
it is just like that...
but I am not talking about solo di l'orientamento sessuale valentine...
and then your not enough crazy psichiatra says for you with the veemenza appropriato per un bambino that you should take your sleep pills at 11:00 pm... so nice... so cute... god... he thinks he is less stupid than you... but you will in some way listen his recomendation... you will go to take your pills at 11:00 am anyway... il vitellone mister... oh yeah god...
but give me your reasons to live valentine....
you could give yours so easily and they would just be the same as yours for you to die mister...
after some one else maybe valentine... but you took my words anyway....
but now doors will be easily opened and closed to you... you are driving back home and your car's door will eassily open and close behind you and your home's door will easily open and close behind you... oh yeah... and you just hate yourself... and the door of your car is shit broken and does not open so easily... and you just love her so much but love is a so odd relation valentine... but dawn came so silently anyway... you would like so much to believe in its so cold light to give you some enough cold reason to live... oh yeah... because being crazy or not you love her so much and nothing in the world could change it... agora este samba para voce valentine... and your girl friend maybe...
and so you can not live at the same time without her and without your addctions valentine... but your so very most strong addiction was to write her a letter... because your life was just the rest... your life was just your letters where you and her are so very happpy together... and you can not write her a letter anymore valentine... where to go now...
are you crazy man... oh yeah...
and now you would want to go right there to her place during the period she would be there so present as the kind sweet jezebel on her throne... and you would want to show yourself as a completely denuded motherless child lost in that tattoed crowd and you would want to find her tattoed legs and arms and hands to guide you outside and to give you some attention and understanding and some colored gas ballons for you to play and to be carried as the little prince being carried by colored birds through the sky... but she would get you a pen instead and let you alone there and so you would be there silently crying and writing some more words to her in some peace of paper... you would want to talk to her about her colored tattos and then you would begin to think on colours valentine...
woman is not black senhorina... woman is white and all the so infinite grade of colours is there for you to paint your blackness...
but you would keep the words in your pocket valentine... she had left the room as a magic being followed by some of her slaves and you had not had the chance... but at least she trusted you enough anyway... you could take care of yourself alone in her place... and she was a suicide girl and so more rad than vegan valentine... so more rad... you know... and you would want so much to suicide your self to merge then in her rad rebelion... but you really would want to be there as the only guardian and protector as well of her so crowded castle... she could hire you as her bodyguard mister.... oh yeah... but you would be so happy anyway because you would have got your illusion again and that was just the most important thing in your life valentine... but later valentine... later...
because now you are so drunk...
and you would want to take a sleep right there in the gutter to be then awakened by her...
and so you need some earl grey tea to accompany you till dawn...
because now you had begun to believe in the cold light of morning anyway...
and the tequila bottle is empity anyway valentine...
and so you would want to write her a letter in some language you dont 't know so well valentine... and you would want to find the words in that language to describe each of your atoms occupying each of her spaces... no grain but atoms now and some bilions of thousands of years valentine... and you would form togethert with her the so very most solid material to compose the so very most sacred solid statue in the honour of love... because yours alone was the so very most sacred and the so very most solid as well valentine...
e esse samba eh para voce oh meu amor... 700 cc pisco sour... what does it mean...
but earl grey valentine... oh yeah mister... for you to swallow your pills... but you should do yourself a favor and go to die right now in your bed... because right now you are finally a kind of happy mister... let me be a kind of that just for a while valentine please... and also please let me sleeep for some enough number of hours valentine...
but you please be prepared to stand in line mister...
because love is a so odd relation you know...
but then you begin to think that so many other guy eyes would also serve for yourself... oh yeah... and sometimes you feel as much sad alone and tired as that call boy you just saw out there in the street valentine... he wants so much freedom... but now I suppose you don't known this musician guy... not the call boy valentine... I mean... you know... mas esse rapaz so termina de tocar seu instrumento quando voce ja esta inteiramente convencido de que ele a ama valentine... e voce tambem sente que todo o seu amor tambem ja foi dito... e voce tem vontade de chorar...
por que se o seu amor nao puder ser todo ele dito para ela entao que voce nunca mais pare de chorar e que nunca mais termine essa cancao de amor valentine...
god mister...
and so also these guys valentine...
their eyes would serve...
they would play forever as well...
mas diante dela voce nao diria que voce eh o homem mais feliz da face da terra valentine...
por que diante dela voce iria querer ser apenas o unico homem na face da terra para guia-la e protege-la and so your happiness would be the unique one to be counted anyway... e ela ja seria a unica mulher de toda e qualquer maneira e voce nao teria muito trabalho... god mister...
e voce nao teria se apequenado diante dela com seu choro valentine... porque voce iria mesmo querer chorar mister... desta vez o seu choro mais sagrado valentine... god mister... oh yeah god... seu choro o mais sagrado mas nao o mais incomum ou raro como queira valentine... in no way rare better to say... porque seria tambem o seu choro cotidiano ao cotidianamente pensar que nunca chegaria aquele momento em que ela estaria tambem feliz diante de voce...
mas diante dela seu choro seria tambem o seu choro mais jubiloso valentine... jubiloso mister... god...
porque se seus olhos cheios de lagrimas e suas palavras mais sentidas nao tivessem sido feitos para ela entao voce ja deveria estar morto como um ninguem quaqluer em um terreno abandonado no meio do nada valentine...
some crazily dead lonely nobody devoured by lions in some wild lost forest...
por que com ela iria a heranca da humanidade e tao bem junto com ela deveria ir tambem o seu amor...
por que com ela o seu amor ja seria o amor depurado de toda a tristeza e ja estaria pronto para ser levado adiante valentine...
god mister... oh yeah god...
mas pelo respeito a mulher voce nao iria querer procriar valentine... perdoe-me a grosseria valentine...
voce iria preferir ficar junto com ela para sempre e para sempre voces dois abracados naquele paraiso que voce teria comecado a figurar tao de repente diante de si e que nao teria sido feito so para voces dois mas tambem para tantos escravos que nao saberiam de sua escravidao e que estariam guardados como pequenas saudades em seu bolso do peito e nao haveria assim mais vertebras a serem quebradas mas apenas aquelas plasticas saudades and they would be there in her pocket forever and they would be let to go walk once in a while to stretch their legs over some of her so as well plastic but colored tatouages valentine...
god mister... but I will fix it later valentine...
mas o tempo que faltaria para voce esquece-la seria o tempo que faltaria para o seu atestado de morbidez bem morbida valentine... oh yeah... and now your glasses are messed with your tears mister... and the smoke has been so grunge valentine... you should try not to stop but keep walking at easy mister... oh yeah... you woud not want to have more some delusion from your heart while now embracing her in that so paradisiac paradise of you both would you... oh no... so many here... and so tired as well...
so tired of being so afraid of being so happy but just for a while valentine... no more longer than the next weekend to come.. so tired...
please be calm mister... just be calm..
what day is today valentine...
please don't mind mister... you have the entire week to be so sadly happy... oh yeah...
but you just can't go to die right now... not before taking a look in her blog again valentine... god... oh yeah god... and now you would like so much to write directly in her blog the message you would like to read as hers from you... oh yeah valentine... because you would not want to be waiting for her finally favored words for you forever anyway... and you should go on by yourself anyway... go yourself to die mister please... in your bed please...
and so you finally begin to dream for awhile valentine...
la senhorina vini qui.... sii ... la senhorina... vini presto... piu presto per favore... yo tengo unas palabras per lhe dire... presto senhorina...
porque hoje todos os hojes ja vao se acumulando em algo petreo e que nao se altera muito mais com a poeira ainda a ser depositada e de onde ja se pode ver todo o futuro restante e todo o futuro restante ja eh aquilo que voce deseja para si...
si senhorina... rapida... vini presto... how could you not drink valentine god... oy yeah mister sorry... I am so sorry as well valentine coz you are the woman for me to vomit all my sadnees and despair... sorry valentine... so sorry... but I will fix it later valentine...
but it is so simple valentine... you want to enter in her house because you really want to leave then her house feeling as if blessed by all gods and you would like so much to give a talk with all the gods gathered together in some bar then... to have been cleared some details on your self... and so which more bless do you need mister... please don't lie mister... you want to evilly go die in her house forever and never go out really... oh yeah... at least no to see the sun anymore coz her eyes would be so enough valentine...
because now if your eyes and your words were not made for her then you are dead man...
and so you are neither a poet neither a cursed poet neither a little man cursed by the desire of beeing a cursed poet... you are jus that dead man who loves her so much and wants to see her happy by your side mister... oh yeah... go to sleep for a while please... but I think I need first some catarse valentine... with a little help of some pretty vacant friends as well... catarse mister... va se catar valentine... oh yeah.... god mister... so sorry... so sorry we say together now valentine... but from now on I will be counting so sorrys to sleep... so sorrys for loving her so much... so sorry god... would be better to count so sorry gods valentine... oh yeah... and not till sleep but for some of those bilion years mister... oh yeah...
and so you can't look to any other woman eyes with desire of love valentine... you don't like to show yourself as a shy guy but you just can't... because you feel you would be cheating on her...
she is not yours mister god... oh yeah...
but she is yours in your mind and she is inside your mind since ever valentine... so she would be able to notice if you were to open your eyes to try to find something else that could be missing to you... but you would be couting so sorrys till sleep anyway...
and so you go outside to burn some grass... you go out to see night again valentine... and all that you know about poets for now is that poets can die from love delusion mister... at least you feel yourself so ready to die from that disease valentine... oh yeah... but please do not consider yourself a poet because of that mister... oh yeah valentine... you took my words... you took my words dear... so so sad here... so tired.... sorry mister...
so tired of trying to find some space in the space of some one else valentine... laws of physics and metaphysics... parking your car for example mister... oh yeah valentine... but for now let me just say as a somewhat more romantic example that you are so tired of try to occupy the space of her heart valentine... keep traveling correctly and carefully through the arteries mister... oh yeah... you don't want to see yourself blocked in the way or worst than that cause her some leg congestion problem... oh no... you would want to ask her to thrust in your drive dear... you are just a habilitationless child mister... at least park your car in the right place this time please... you don't want to be removed again do you... not this time valentine... not this time...
because you love her and you dont say so much this time because love this time has been showed itself in its entire grandiosity valentine... oh yeah... so tired...
and so you don't need to continue to go anywhere anymore....
and if your eyes and words were not made for her then you would not need to continue anymore as well...
but now you would want to look at her eyes forever and there would be no words to talk in the future to distract your stare valentine...
and dio come ti amo would be your last words before your infinite stare mister... oh yeah...
and come to die in my bed would be the words you would want to write in her blog as if from hers to you would not that be mister... oh yeah dear... so go die in your bed mister please... but now I am quite convinced you love her so much anyway... oh yeah dear finally...
but are you crazy man...
and now you would want not even look at her eyes again because of the fear of finding delusion also in her eyes this time and this time for all valentine... god mister stop crying...
you would rather prefer to stare all the cursed evil in the eyes of jezebel than to stare the empityness of love in her eyes valentine... ok mister dear... come to die in my bed... ok... you won my womb for now... ok... but then you will go to die in your bed per dio... non piangere piu mister... un bene cosi caro un bene cosi vero per dio... per dio digo io valentine...
porque o amor tem que ser dito e nao se pode querer contentar a mulher com pouco...
porque quando a mulher se contenta com pouco a civilizacao decai valentine...
mas tao frequentemente o homem obriga a mulher aa piedade mister...
ooh yeah... tao frequentemente...
mas claro que nao estou dizendo que a mulher eh a civilizacao e o homem eh a barbarie dear...
que o homem e a mulher estao de maos dadas patinando na pista infinita entre esses dois extremos e nenhum deles quer escorregar com o amor nas maos mas sim mante-lo (aceso na tocha mister)... e se um deles escorregar o outro devera ajuda-lo com passos mais lentos e cravando seus patins na pedra de gelo (mas rocha mister)...
but you don't like so much olympic games as well dear...
mas voce a ama e agora os passos dela demarcam em torno de voce o seu afinal paraiso como pegadas da primeira mulher no basalto duro caminhando sobre sua primeira e unica moradia e que nao se apagarao nem apos a partida do ultimo homem e da ultima mulher que terao vivido nele de emprestimo um dia... but I fix it later valentine... so sad... so many... so tired... so black...
but now you begin to believe you finally understand one of the obligations of a poet valentine... a poet has to return to woman as beautifully as his own grandeur as a poet all the love he has been seeing in her eyes since his childhood... don't know mister... not so bad to begin but... grandeur mister... oh yeah... but which does come first... the grandeur of a poet or his graceful talk... please try to clear that mister... I fix it later valentine... mas continuando... o amor...
o amor que ele viu nos olhos da mulher desde sua infancia e que ele nao soube como retribuir mas soube como guardar valentine... go to die mister... you have the entire week to be so sadly happy... or happly sad as you prefer... e que agora quer tanto transbordar valentine... god mister...
mas voce a ama e agora todas as feridas do passado nao passam de pequenas cicatrizes riscadas a faca que voce foi colecionando durante o seu aprendizado do amor e agora voce ja eh um gladiador pronto para matar a desesperanca dentro de si ou entao pronto para morrer ainda assim honrado olhando nos olhos de quem se mostrou mais forte e o derrubou no chao valentine... go to die mister...
go to die in a monastery... oh yeah... but you would not like the diet there so much valentine... you would want also some tobbaco and alchol and hard chesse to complement the dayly bread and soup... and the shepherd would have to keep an eye on you for you not to stray some sheep mister... sorry mister... non piangere piu... stop right now per dio...
oh yeah dear... right now...
but right now before and after you have been asking yourself what she would be seeing listening smelling touching and eating right now without thinking for a second on sharing none of these with you valentine...
and you have been saving half of everything for her and so you are so hungry of everything now mister... oh yeah...
need some music here... some infinite raga for my fasting valentine... but just your half is enough for now mister per dio... let hers for her... oh yeah... you take your half of your bene cosi caro and your half of your bene cosi vero and let hers for her per dio... per dio digo io mister...
but where why what who how when valentine....
all that I know is that she is not here right now and this fits well with where mister... and I don't know why... but take a look at the television set... who knows... keep changing the channels... god dear... but how do we change the channel in this shit... it is impossible to change the channel valentine... and you just want to know when don't you mister mister... oh yeah... you won the game dear...
but then you begin to think that every man in love - and so every man in potency valentine - is a romantic poet in potency... because he pass so much time thinking on his so beloved lady and so many words pass on his mind that well could be that some of them could decide to arrange for themselves to compose some so clearly crystaline figure... but I am not saying that words can decide for themselves valentine... because words are atoms and atoms don't now nothing about anything and neither on themselves... and sometimes some of the most rare of those crystaline figures turn to be sadly cracked... but then sometimes they become even more rare... com aquela trinca tao tristemente profunda... but words are atoms or molecules mister... it depends valentine... so cute dear...
but words and images now valentine... dot to say dot and you see the image of a single dot so clearly in your mind... but now love to say love and you see what valentine... you see just half of it mister... because you have been saving the other half for her... oh yeah dear... but the things are not so simple with the dot as well... because you fear so much to find some single final dot dont you mister...
you would want to use a final dot just to say you love her.
But just for this time valentine... this time for all mister... oh yeah dear... this time for all...
because you don't like to use a single dot too much valentine... resembles too much some in definitive blocked or terminal path... and three dots together represent that neverending love song don't they mister... oh yeah dear... you took my words... and not to say the shit capitals valentine...
mas voce a ama e agora o que mister... mais uma vez por favor... voce a ama e agora voce quer guardar as duas metades com voce para que ela nao se canse carregando a outra metade do seu amor... agora ela pode sempre deixa-la por ai sem preocupacao pois voce estara tomando conta por ela e para ela caso ela venha a procura-la algum dia... por sabe-se la que motivo mister.... sorry mister... oh yeah... mas nao va se descuidar mister... oh no dear... not this time... because this time you love her.
Oh yeah mister... just a child... oh yeah...
mas voce a ama e agora voce ja se ve transformado em uma nuvem lustrada de chumbo prestes a inundar nao o triste deserto nao o terreno baldio nao ruas nem calcadas nem a orla do mar desprotegida mas somente aquele canto de terra fertil e relva esplendorosa que terah presenciado seu esforco de carregar um oceano de chumbo ate em cima no ceu para so dela poder cuidar e se mostrarah entao ainda mais esplendorosa por bondosa gratidao de relva esplendorosa deixando nela tambem brotar ervas daninhas e lirios da cor amarela...
que seriam recolhidos por voce em bouquets que seriam novamente por voce pousados sobre aquela relva ainda mais esplendorosa para assim orna-la ainda mais ate o infinito do esplendor e para que voce pudesse entao oferecer esse infinito esplendoroso para ornar o quarto dela... god mister... oh yeah... but please fix it later dear... impossible to fix mister... mas va ate a secao de cama mesa e banho mister...
mas qual eh a palavra mais bonita valentine... spring or primavera... que venha logo a primavera em qualquer lingua e estacao de radio mister... oh yeah... you are so smart dear...
e qual eh a relacao entre a musica e o amor valentine.... a musica que lhe agrada e a mulher que voce ama... a musica eh uma aliada do amor quando os dois querem ouvir juntos com a mesma atencao aquela mesma musica que agrada tanto a ambos e que declara repetidamente o amor e mais uma vez e mais um vez mister... oh yeah...
but you love her and now please go on mister... mas voce a ama e agora jose... mister mister... just a child...
mas voce a ama e agora a palavra jubiloso sai de sua boca sem qualquer vergonha porque agora voce compreende o seu significado... too short mister... she would doubt of your love this way... mas entao tambem a palavra esplendor valentine... e o que dizer de relva esplendorosa... e tambem da palavra primavera... ok mister... ok... e ainda a palavra lindo que voce utiliza agora pela primeira vez em lingua nativa ou outra qualquer para qualificar o seu amor... o amor mais lindo mister... nao existe o amor mais lindo valentine... por que nao se pode comparar nem o amor lindo de cada um em cada tempo... o seu amor eh lindo e basta... quando ele realmente for mister... oh yeah... but this time you love her. I dont like capitals as well mister please... but lindo is beatiful anyway dear...
e se a dadiva for muito grande mister... voce a aceita e procura retribuir... e tenta perdoar o infeliz ofertante da ma-feh... kindness and tolerance... after saramago mister... oh yeah...
e amor e arte entao mister... depois valentine... mas por ora o amor vem primeiro e depois os dois quase se confundem... que o amor so consegue falar plenamente de si com a ajuda da arte valentine... e o artista ama o artista mister... oh yeah... e a arte eh o instrumento do amor mister... oh yeah... and then from nothing you ask yourself which could be the repertory of the musician guy her friend and if he would be able to play the flamenco guitar instead the electric bass... the guy does not work at alll valentine... you could hire him for a serenade mister... no way dear... he would play his own love for her... and you would want to play solo your serenade anyway valentine... you would sing for her don't cry... because you have been crying enough for both... and because you would want to see her smile instead... don't lie mister... you would want to see her unlock her mouth and cry till dead... oh yeah dear... oh yeah... because only her tears... only hers... only hers not yours mister please...
but then you go to read her blog again and you feel so afraid valentine... god mister... because you begin to believe you are there again... witch jezebel... god mister...
you barely gave a kiss in her brow and she wants to breathe already... she wants to breathe... she is so tired of your omnipresence... you have done so wrong moves...
I told you to not overact mister... go to die... so sorrys till die... take a breath mister... don't sigh please...
mas voce poderia guardar o seu desejo para voce com um suspiro valentine... mas nao o seu amor que ja foi dado... em um retrato em branco e preto valentine...
precisa ainda ser colorido mister... oh yeah...
e a palavra querida valentine... querida senhorina... don't know mister... but don't use it too much... querida senhorina... last time promisse dear...
and so the life goes on... you get some popularity at least with your mother hopefully and then you overreact or someone in the crowd points his finger in your direction for whatever reason he can find to blame you and then you lose it... and the things you are doing as you understand them can be so diferently understood by the other guy who pointed you his finger... then you can not let holes and so you need to find the right way to do things... but what a fuck is the right way to do things valentine... hopefuly yours mister... it depends valentine... it depends on your talents mister... oh yeah... but then you could rob her mister... oh yeah... voce entra no cercado dela e grita bem alto assalto... alto e grosso valentine... frightening mister... e depois de todos ja terem olhado para voce assustados voce da a ordem mister.... senhorina vini qui... siiii... la senhoriiiina... and you please calm down sweet... calm down please... so sorry... some girl would have vomit because of the fear... so sorry... that would not be the right think to be done mister... why not dear... why not... porque hoje todos os hojes nao passam de sofrimento por nao poder te-la hoje em seus bracos valentine... take care with suffering as well mister... do not abuse... oh yeah dear... and when you really overact mister... tell me more about that... god dear... you better go to die for a while then valentine... from three months to three years mister... oh yeah... but later dear...
and now what about the word divine valentine... don't know as well mister... you please try to understand its meaning but do not use it too much as welll... people would suspect of your manhood... oh yeah dear... but I think I have understood it already... but I do not use it too much anyway... but then you sit in your chair and feel she is also there right there on your lap... because you can construct her hologram valentine... and you can do whatever you want with it... god mister... I am not talking about fucking sex necessaryly valentine... sorry mister... but it is so divine... please mister... mas eh assim tao divino porque voce nao consegue de fato construir o holograma inteiro... voce nao consegue construir por exemplo uma expressao de odio por voce no rosto dela... e por isso eh divino... mister please... non piangere piu... porque ela e so ela podera lhe oferecer a divina felicidade seja isso ou muito ou pouco ou alto ou baixo ou gordo ou magro ou seja isso o que for valentine... god mister... at least you have your hologram of hers... oh yeah... please go die mister... but then you talk with her hologram as if you were talking with her... oh yeah... and sometimes you believe that your hologram is complete and that there is really no anger in her face being directed to you... so divine... please mister god...
but then you begin from nothing to talk with the hologram of that guy that pointed his finger to you and now you can see some anger in both faces... some mister... are you sure some... and the talk will finish only when you desconstruct the guy in your mind and leave him alone to glue the pieces together valentine... god mister... hopefully in the right way this time mister... oh yeah... but then you feel so sorry for him... you have reduced him to desert sand but it is too late... thanks god it was only his hologram valentine...
and so life goes on... viva cuba valentine... cuba libre mister... oh yeah... after some one else maybe... what day is today valentine... today is the day you will pass entirely died in the bed don't you mister... oh yeah... night will take so long to come anyway dear... and you want only to be embraced by the night because you love her. I can't take it anymore mister pleease...
and so life goes on and you begin to think in her blog again valentine... you just need to open it... and she is a wild writer... and maybe she doesn't know it yet... are you sure mister... at least she could assume it for herself to begin... oh yeah... because she tells you a life in a brief paragraph valentine... per dio mister... oh yeah... but you are always in fear of having your own life resumed there in one brief paragraph as well valentine... but you can resume your life in a tree words phrase don't you mister... and a final dot dear... but you would prefer to play that flute forever instead don't you mister... oh yeah... mas voce tem que ceder um pouco valentine... explain yourself mister... she would understand dear...
and so life goes on but now you just need to stop for a while valentine... everything is so black... her heart could be so yours for you all dear readers of her blog and so you really can not decide about your part in it... if any... god mister... her soul body and mind are so yours my dear reader... but there is no way to make a proper division between soul body and mind valentine... three is a really odd number... her soul and mind should be put together in one package and her body should be put in some kind of templo to jezebel... forget dear... her body should be put in another package... I will describe later how should it be valentine... and both packages should be sent to your address mister... oh yeah dear... go to die please... what is the difference betwen soul and mind mister...
e entao voce comeca a pensar que com quaisquer cinco linhas voce derruba qualquer porta menos a porta do quarto dela valentine... diante da porta do quarto dela voce so pode posar como uma especie de eternidade mal resolvida... sempre ver chegar sempre ver partir e sempre desejar... como uma estatua muda, de pe, que nunca podera se mover... por que nunca chamara a atencao dela... please mister fix that shit... better forget... ou entao procure se mover um pouco god mister... oh yeah... it is time to shave...
and then you try to trace down her mind following in between her lines trying to find some hide meaning there that could be related to you... you want to find your right place in her mind once and for all valentine... but you can't find it... you never was able to find any place at all for you mister... take some breath mister... oh yeah... mas um dia beija outro nao beija quem sabe mister... e apos quem sabe valentine...
and what about the word diagonal valentine... diegonow mister... diagonal dear... don't know mister... I don't see any poetry in there... maybe a sword separating your heart in two halves by the main diagonal dear... if she is going to take hers with her will be fine mister... go die mister.... oh yeah... go die now. Mister... just for a while dear...
but then you notice so clearly a big difference between your subterranean letters and her blog valentine... in her blog she glues together all the guys and girls in love with her to compose her bewitchment and so you also can see you there in her coloured bubble gum... and in your case you try to glue together all the girls you are in love with but that barely or in no way requite your love mister... oh yeah dear... but then you should want to write a book of poems and to dedicate it for her and some others anyway mister... oh yeah dear... for her and some others... but there is no glue in your bubble gum for all of them mister... to die go now... but not hers god... not this time... this time you would stand in line forever to glue in her body the portion of yours you can see in her letters to the world... can you see your eyes there mister... oh yeah... she took a look at your eyes dear... oh yeah god... then at least you can glue your eyes in her body mister... but not in her eyes maybe mister... sorry... but not this tiiime dear... because this time you can fill your heart with the passionate letters she send to others anyway because you believe you see some traces of you in there... just traces mister... and your trace detector can be so desregutated mister... oh yeah... just a child mister... you would like to laugh but you can't dear sorry... so sorrys till die mister... but you would like to say once and for all for her does not fuck with you... does not fuck with you mister... I mean... you know... don't fuck me my so blessed senhorina... oh yeah mister... but now a lot of girls want to fuck her and with her dear... I mean... you know... not counting the so many guys in the last case mister... oh yeah dear...
but now you better go to review some little details before to continue with such a long so long history mister... for intance mister - so long but in the first chapter yet valentine - please mister...
for instance mister... does "you" mean "you", "his" or "I" mister? Please don't mind dear... but be sure that her means her without any reasonable doubt... oh yeah mister...
and for instance mister... you should use commas more often mister... oh no dear... no way... please try to follow the meanings by the words alone... no way dear... But who knows? If you say that...
and for instance mister... did she ever has loved you mister... so little detail mister... oh yeah dear... so little... but it depends of that for her to get the time to follow your words mister... oh yeah...
but later dear... because now you just need to go die... and now "you" means you and I valentine...
and in your bed dear... please... just embrace me...
but do you think they would burn her alive in some brutal fire as some kind of witch mister... oh yeah...
even when she is talking to a girl you think she is talking with the feminine part of some self of yours valentine...
but you would be there to save her in the last minute anyway mister... oh yeah... just embrace me dear...
but she would prefer to burn on fire than to accept your help would not she mister... oh yeah...
god mister...
just embrace me dear.
but what is a poem alice please... so good valentine...
you fear you would have to consider the term "poem" a completely indefinite term forever...
but at least on curses you think you know enough mister... do you mister...
and then for a while you keep the ilusion that you forgot her... but just for a while valentine... but the time was enough for you to take a look at the night program in some somewhat distante neighbourhood of hers... to look for some populated night music event where you could immerse yourself with some pleasure... and some illusion of course valentine... sorry... but you need some to live... and then you see there foo figthers cover... what a fuck... but you would well want to go there why not if she was also to be there for you continuing to keep the illusion... god mister... but you know she will not be there and so you will not be there... you have forgot her for a while and just for a while valentine... but you will try so carefully to not being in some place she well could be at night... at least not in the period she could be there... so wrong moves you have done... foo fighters cover valentine....who knows anyway... because you must keep the illusion... and you have got a bottle of tequila... and you are so pretty vacant anyway...
but you just can not take a look at some woman eyes you love for whatever reasons and go away when her eyes don't ask clearly for you to go valentine... oh no... you just can't... and sometimes you begin to believe you have got clear signals in both directions... some showing she wants you maybe to go and some showing she wants you maybe to stay... then you go really crazy man...
and then you begin to think that it is so hard to be free...
should I stay or should I go valentine... god...
you should go live by the river mister... oh yeah...
and yeah I am drunk but please don't complain because it is because of you valentine... please don't complain... and then you are in some gls place valentine... because love has to be said but you also want so much to be loved... and there you believe you would have more chances of being loved by some kind of human being of course mister... some kind human being and yes of course dear... but I am not talking about solo di l'orientamento sessuale valentine... but it is so good when any two directions can make some arrangement anyway... two at least mister... oh yeah...
and then you come back home by dawn and you are almost happy... you almost want to thanks god for having surpassed one more night without causing her any big problem... and because just night matters in your counting of the days... you love her so much and night is just her self and body valentine... night is just her writting in her blog while smoking a cigarrete or kissing some one else some where you don't know where... and you are almost happy but it looks that you will never fix your sanity again... but you will fix it later valentine... you hope so anyway... but you really don't mind now...
because now if she does not accept you as a man then you can not consider yourself a man valentine...
it is just like that...
but I am not talking about solo di l'orientamento sessuale valentine...
and then your not enough crazy psichiatra says for you with the veemenza appropriato per un bambino that you should take your sleep pills at 11:00 pm... so nice... so cute... god... he thinks he is less stupid than you... but you will in some way listen his recomendation... you will go to take your pills at 11:00 am anyway... il vitellone mister... oh yeah god...
but give me your reasons to live valentine....
you could give yours so easily and they would just be the same as yours for you to die mister...
after some one else maybe valentine... but you took my words anyway....
but now doors will be easily opened and closed to you... you are driving back home and your car's door will eassily open and close behind you and your home's door will easily open and close behind you... oh yeah... and you just hate yourself... and the door of your car is shit broken and does not open so easily... and you just love her so much but love is a so odd relation valentine... but dawn came so silently anyway... you would like so much to believe in its so cold light to give you some enough cold reason to live... oh yeah... because being crazy or not you love her so much and nothing in the world could change it... agora este samba para voce valentine... and your girl friend maybe...
and so you can not live at the same time without her and without your addctions valentine... but your so very most strong addiction was to write her a letter... because your life was just the rest... your life was just your letters where you and her are so very happpy together... and you can not write her a letter anymore valentine... where to go now...
are you crazy man... oh yeah...
and now you would want to go right there to her place during the period she would be there so present as the kind sweet jezebel on her throne... and you would want to show yourself as a completely denuded motherless child lost in that tattoed crowd and you would want to find her tattoed legs and arms and hands to guide you outside and to give you some attention and understanding and some colored gas ballons for you to play and to be carried as the little prince being carried by colored birds through the sky... but she would get you a pen instead and let you alone there and so you would be there silently crying and writing some more words to her in some peace of paper... you would want to talk to her about her colored tattos and then you would begin to think on colours valentine...
woman is not black senhorina... woman is white and all the so infinite grade of colours is there for you to paint your blackness...
but you would keep the words in your pocket valentine... she had left the room as a magic being followed by some of her slaves and you had not had the chance... but at least she trusted you enough anyway... you could take care of yourself alone in her place... and she was a suicide girl and so more rad than vegan valentine... so more rad... you know... and you would want so much to suicide your self to merge then in her rad rebelion... but you really would want to be there as the only guardian and protector as well of her so crowded castle... she could hire you as her bodyguard mister.... oh yeah... but you would be so happy anyway because you would have got your illusion again and that was just the most important thing in your life valentine... but later valentine... later...
because now you are so drunk...
and you would want to take a sleep right there in the gutter to be then awakened by her...
and so you need some earl grey tea to accompany you till dawn...
because now you had begun to believe in the cold light of morning anyway...
and the tequila bottle is empity anyway valentine...
and so you would want to write her a letter in some language you dont 't know so well valentine... and you would want to find the words in that language to describe each of your atoms occupying each of her spaces... no grain but atoms now and some bilions of thousands of years valentine... and you would form togethert with her the so very most solid material to compose the so very most sacred solid statue in the honour of love... because yours alone was the so very most sacred and the so very most solid as well valentine...
e esse samba eh para voce oh meu amor... 700 cc pisco sour... what does it mean...
but earl grey valentine... oh yeah mister... for you to swallow your pills... but you should do yourself a favor and go to die right now in your bed... because right now you are finally a kind of happy mister... let me be a kind of that just for a while valentine please... and also please let me sleeep for some enough number of hours valentine...
but you please be prepared to stand in line mister...
because love is a so odd relation you know...
but then you begin to think that so many other guy eyes would also serve for yourself... oh yeah... and sometimes you feel as much sad alone and tired as that call boy you just saw out there in the street valentine... he wants so much freedom... but now I suppose you don't known this musician guy... not the call boy valentine... I mean... you know... mas esse rapaz so termina de tocar seu instrumento quando voce ja esta inteiramente convencido de que ele a ama valentine... e voce tambem sente que todo o seu amor tambem ja foi dito... e voce tem vontade de chorar...
por que se o seu amor nao puder ser todo ele dito para ela entao que voce nunca mais pare de chorar e que nunca mais termine essa cancao de amor valentine...
god mister...
and so also these guys valentine...
their eyes would serve...
they would play forever as well...
mas diante dela voce nao diria que voce eh o homem mais feliz da face da terra valentine...
por que diante dela voce iria querer ser apenas o unico homem na face da terra para guia-la e protege-la and so your happiness would be the unique one to be counted anyway... e ela ja seria a unica mulher de toda e qualquer maneira e voce nao teria muito trabalho... god mister...
e voce nao teria se apequenado diante dela com seu choro valentine... porque voce iria mesmo querer chorar mister... desta vez o seu choro mais sagrado valentine... god mister... oh yeah god... seu choro o mais sagrado mas nao o mais incomum ou raro como queira valentine... in no way rare better to say... porque seria tambem o seu choro cotidiano ao cotidianamente pensar que nunca chegaria aquele momento em que ela estaria tambem feliz diante de voce...
mas diante dela seu choro seria tambem o seu choro mais jubiloso valentine... jubiloso mister... god...
porque se seus olhos cheios de lagrimas e suas palavras mais sentidas nao tivessem sido feitos para ela entao voce ja deveria estar morto como um ninguem quaqluer em um terreno abandonado no meio do nada valentine...
some crazily dead lonely nobody devoured by lions in some wild lost forest...
por que com ela iria a heranca da humanidade e tao bem junto com ela deveria ir tambem o seu amor...
por que com ela o seu amor ja seria o amor depurado de toda a tristeza e ja estaria pronto para ser levado adiante valentine...
god mister... oh yeah god...
mas pelo respeito a mulher voce nao iria querer procriar valentine... perdoe-me a grosseria valentine...
voce iria preferir ficar junto com ela para sempre e para sempre voces dois abracados naquele paraiso que voce teria comecado a figurar tao de repente diante de si e que nao teria sido feito so para voces dois mas tambem para tantos escravos que nao saberiam de sua escravidao e que estariam guardados como pequenas saudades em seu bolso do peito e nao haveria assim mais vertebras a serem quebradas mas apenas aquelas plasticas saudades and they would be there in her pocket forever and they would be let to go walk once in a while to stretch their legs over some of her so as well plastic but colored tatouages valentine...
god mister... but I will fix it later valentine...
mas o tempo que faltaria para voce esquece-la seria o tempo que faltaria para o seu atestado de morbidez bem morbida valentine... oh yeah... and now your glasses are messed with your tears mister... and the smoke has been so grunge valentine... you should try not to stop but keep walking at easy mister... oh yeah... you woud not want to have more some delusion from your heart while now embracing her in that so paradisiac paradise of you both would you... oh no... so many here... and so tired as well...
so tired of being so afraid of being so happy but just for a while valentine... no more longer than the next weekend to come.. so tired...
please be calm mister... just be calm..
what day is today valentine...
please don't mind mister... you have the entire week to be so sadly happy... oh yeah...
but you just can't go to die right now... not before taking a look in her blog again valentine... god... oh yeah god... and now you would like so much to write directly in her blog the message you would like to read as hers from you... oh yeah valentine... because you would not want to be waiting for her finally favored words for you forever anyway... and you should go on by yourself anyway... go yourself to die mister please... in your bed please...
and so you finally begin to dream for awhile valentine...
la senhorina vini qui.... sii ... la senhorina... vini presto... piu presto per favore... yo tengo unas palabras per lhe dire... presto senhorina...
porque hoje todos os hojes ja vao se acumulando em algo petreo e que nao se altera muito mais com a poeira ainda a ser depositada e de onde ja se pode ver todo o futuro restante e todo o futuro restante ja eh aquilo que voce deseja para si...
si senhorina... rapida... vini presto... how could you not drink valentine god... oy yeah mister sorry... I am so sorry as well valentine coz you are the woman for me to vomit all my sadnees and despair... sorry valentine... so sorry... but I will fix it later valentine...
but it is so simple valentine... you want to enter in her house because you really want to leave then her house feeling as if blessed by all gods and you would like so much to give a talk with all the gods gathered together in some bar then... to have been cleared some details on your self... and so which more bless do you need mister... please don't lie mister... you want to evilly go die in her house forever and never go out really... oh yeah... at least no to see the sun anymore coz her eyes would be so enough valentine...
because now if your eyes and your words were not made for her then you are dead man...
and so you are neither a poet neither a cursed poet neither a little man cursed by the desire of beeing a cursed poet... you are jus that dead man who loves her so much and wants to see her happy by your side mister... oh yeah... go to sleep for a while please... but I think I need first some catarse valentine... with a little help of some pretty vacant friends as well... catarse mister... va se catar valentine... oh yeah.... god mister... so sorry... so sorry we say together now valentine... but from now on I will be counting so sorrys to sleep... so sorrys for loving her so much... so sorry god... would be better to count so sorry gods valentine... oh yeah... and not till sleep but for some of those bilion years mister... oh yeah...
and so you can't look to any other woman eyes with desire of love valentine... you don't like to show yourself as a shy guy but you just can't... because you feel you would be cheating on her...
she is not yours mister god... oh yeah...
but she is yours in your mind and she is inside your mind since ever valentine... so she would be able to notice if you were to open your eyes to try to find something else that could be missing to you... but you would be couting so sorrys till sleep anyway...
and so you go outside to burn some grass... you go out to see night again valentine... and all that you know about poets for now is that poets can die from love delusion mister... at least you feel yourself so ready to die from that disease valentine... oh yeah... but please do not consider yourself a poet because of that mister... oh yeah valentine... you took my words... you took my words dear... so so sad here... so tired.... sorry mister...
so tired of trying to find some space in the space of some one else valentine... laws of physics and metaphysics... parking your car for example mister... oh yeah valentine... but for now let me just say as a somewhat more romantic example that you are so tired of try to occupy the space of her heart valentine... keep traveling correctly and carefully through the arteries mister... oh yeah... you don't want to see yourself blocked in the way or worst than that cause her some leg congestion problem... oh no... you would want to ask her to thrust in your drive dear... you are just a habilitationless child mister... at least park your car in the right place this time please... you don't want to be removed again do you... not this time valentine... not this time...
because you love her and you dont say so much this time because love this time has been showed itself in its entire grandiosity valentine... oh yeah... so tired...
and so you don't need to continue to go anywhere anymore....
and if your eyes and words were not made for her then you would not need to continue anymore as well...
but now you would want to look at her eyes forever and there would be no words to talk in the future to distract your stare valentine...
and dio come ti amo would be your last words before your infinite stare mister... oh yeah...
and come to die in my bed would be the words you would want to write in her blog as if from hers to you would not that be mister... oh yeah dear... so go die in your bed mister please... but now I am quite convinced you love her so much anyway... oh yeah dear finally...
but are you crazy man...
and now you would want not even look at her eyes again because of the fear of finding delusion also in her eyes this time and this time for all valentine... god mister stop crying...
you would rather prefer to stare all the cursed evil in the eyes of jezebel than to stare the empityness of love in her eyes valentine... ok mister dear... come to die in my bed... ok... you won my womb for now... ok... but then you will go to die in your bed per dio... non piangere piu mister... un bene cosi caro un bene cosi vero per dio... per dio digo io valentine...
porque o amor tem que ser dito e nao se pode querer contentar a mulher com pouco...
porque quando a mulher se contenta com pouco a civilizacao decai valentine...
mas tao frequentemente o homem obriga a mulher aa piedade mister...
ooh yeah... tao frequentemente...
mas claro que nao estou dizendo que a mulher eh a civilizacao e o homem eh a barbarie dear...
que o homem e a mulher estao de maos dadas patinando na pista infinita entre esses dois extremos e nenhum deles quer escorregar com o amor nas maos mas sim mante-lo (aceso na tocha mister)... e se um deles escorregar o outro devera ajuda-lo com passos mais lentos e cravando seus patins na pedra de gelo (mas rocha mister)...
but you don't like so much olympic games as well dear...
mas voce a ama e agora os passos dela demarcam em torno de voce o seu afinal paraiso como pegadas da primeira mulher no basalto duro caminhando sobre sua primeira e unica moradia e que nao se apagarao nem apos a partida do ultimo homem e da ultima mulher que terao vivido nele de emprestimo um dia... but I fix it later valentine... so sad... so many... so tired... so black...
but now you begin to believe you finally understand one of the obligations of a poet valentine... a poet has to return to woman as beautifully as his own grandeur as a poet all the love he has been seeing in her eyes since his childhood... don't know mister... not so bad to begin but... grandeur mister... oh yeah... but which does come first... the grandeur of a poet or his graceful talk... please try to clear that mister... I fix it later valentine... mas continuando... o amor...
o amor que ele viu nos olhos da mulher desde sua infancia e que ele nao soube como retribuir mas soube como guardar valentine... go to die mister... you have the entire week to be so sadly happy... or happly sad as you prefer... e que agora quer tanto transbordar valentine... god mister...
mas voce a ama e agora todas as feridas do passado nao passam de pequenas cicatrizes riscadas a faca que voce foi colecionando durante o seu aprendizado do amor e agora voce ja eh um gladiador pronto para matar a desesperanca dentro de si ou entao pronto para morrer ainda assim honrado olhando nos olhos de quem se mostrou mais forte e o derrubou no chao valentine... go to die mister...
go to die in a monastery... oh yeah... but you would not like the diet there so much valentine... you would want also some tobbaco and alchol and hard chesse to complement the dayly bread and soup... and the shepherd would have to keep an eye on you for you not to stray some sheep mister... sorry mister... non piangere piu... stop right now per dio...
oh yeah dear... right now...
but right now before and after you have been asking yourself what she would be seeing listening smelling touching and eating right now without thinking for a second on sharing none of these with you valentine...
and you have been saving half of everything for her and so you are so hungry of everything now mister... oh yeah...
need some music here... some infinite raga for my fasting valentine... but just your half is enough for now mister per dio... let hers for her... oh yeah... you take your half of your bene cosi caro and your half of your bene cosi vero and let hers for her per dio... per dio digo io mister...
but where why what who how when valentine....
all that I know is that she is not here right now and this fits well with where mister... and I don't know why... but take a look at the television set... who knows... keep changing the channels... god dear... but how do we change the channel in this shit... it is impossible to change the channel valentine... and you just want to know when don't you mister mister... oh yeah... you won the game dear...
but then you begin to think that every man in love - and so every man in potency valentine - is a romantic poet in potency... because he pass so much time thinking on his so beloved lady and so many words pass on his mind that well could be that some of them could decide to arrange for themselves to compose some so clearly crystaline figure... but I am not saying that words can decide for themselves valentine... because words are atoms and atoms don't now nothing about anything and neither on themselves... and sometimes some of the most rare of those crystaline figures turn to be sadly cracked... but then sometimes they become even more rare... com aquela trinca tao tristemente profunda... but words are atoms or molecules mister... it depends valentine... so cute dear...
but words and images now valentine... dot to say dot and you see the image of a single dot so clearly in your mind... but now love to say love and you see what valentine... you see just half of it mister... because you have been saving the other half for her... oh yeah dear... but the things are not so simple with the dot as well... because you fear so much to find some single final dot dont you mister...
you would want to use a final dot just to say you love her.
But just for this time valentine... this time for all mister... oh yeah dear... this time for all...
because you don't like to use a single dot too much valentine... resembles too much some in definitive blocked or terminal path... and three dots together represent that neverending love song don't they mister... oh yeah dear... you took my words... and not to say the shit capitals valentine...
mas voce a ama e agora o que mister... mais uma vez por favor... voce a ama e agora voce quer guardar as duas metades com voce para que ela nao se canse carregando a outra metade do seu amor... agora ela pode sempre deixa-la por ai sem preocupacao pois voce estara tomando conta por ela e para ela caso ela venha a procura-la algum dia... por sabe-se la que motivo mister.... sorry mister... oh yeah... mas nao va se descuidar mister... oh no dear... not this time... because this time you love her.
Oh yeah mister... just a child... oh yeah...
mas voce a ama e agora voce ja se ve transformado em uma nuvem lustrada de chumbo prestes a inundar nao o triste deserto nao o terreno baldio nao ruas nem calcadas nem a orla do mar desprotegida mas somente aquele canto de terra fertil e relva esplendorosa que terah presenciado seu esforco de carregar um oceano de chumbo ate em cima no ceu para so dela poder cuidar e se mostrarah entao ainda mais esplendorosa por bondosa gratidao de relva esplendorosa deixando nela tambem brotar ervas daninhas e lirios da cor amarela...
que seriam recolhidos por voce em bouquets que seriam novamente por voce pousados sobre aquela relva ainda mais esplendorosa para assim orna-la ainda mais ate o infinito do esplendor e para que voce pudesse entao oferecer esse infinito esplendoroso para ornar o quarto dela... god mister... oh yeah... but please fix it later dear... impossible to fix mister... mas va ate a secao de cama mesa e banho mister...
mas qual eh a palavra mais bonita valentine... spring or primavera... que venha logo a primavera em qualquer lingua e estacao de radio mister... oh yeah... you are so smart dear...
e qual eh a relacao entre a musica e o amor valentine.... a musica que lhe agrada e a mulher que voce ama... a musica eh uma aliada do amor quando os dois querem ouvir juntos com a mesma atencao aquela mesma musica que agrada tanto a ambos e que declara repetidamente o amor e mais uma vez e mais um vez mister... oh yeah...
but you love her and now please go on mister... mas voce a ama e agora jose... mister mister... just a child...
mas voce a ama e agora a palavra jubiloso sai de sua boca sem qualquer vergonha porque agora voce compreende o seu significado... too short mister... she would doubt of your love this way... mas entao tambem a palavra esplendor valentine... e o que dizer de relva esplendorosa... e tambem da palavra primavera... ok mister... ok... e ainda a palavra lindo que voce utiliza agora pela primeira vez em lingua nativa ou outra qualquer para qualificar o seu amor... o amor mais lindo mister... nao existe o amor mais lindo valentine... por que nao se pode comparar nem o amor lindo de cada um em cada tempo... o seu amor eh lindo e basta... quando ele realmente for mister... oh yeah... but this time you love her. I dont like capitals as well mister please... but lindo is beatiful anyway dear...
e se a dadiva for muito grande mister... voce a aceita e procura retribuir... e tenta perdoar o infeliz ofertante da ma-feh... kindness and tolerance... after saramago mister... oh yeah...
e amor e arte entao mister... depois valentine... mas por ora o amor vem primeiro e depois os dois quase se confundem... que o amor so consegue falar plenamente de si com a ajuda da arte valentine... e o artista ama o artista mister... oh yeah... e a arte eh o instrumento do amor mister... oh yeah... and then from nothing you ask yourself which could be the repertory of the musician guy her friend and if he would be able to play the flamenco guitar instead the electric bass... the guy does not work at alll valentine... you could hire him for a serenade mister... no way dear... he would play his own love for her... and you would want to play solo your serenade anyway valentine... you would sing for her don't cry... because you have been crying enough for both... and because you would want to see her smile instead... don't lie mister... you would want to see her unlock her mouth and cry till dead... oh yeah dear... oh yeah... because only her tears... only hers... only hers not yours mister please...
but then you go to read her blog again and you feel so afraid valentine... god mister... because you begin to believe you are there again... witch jezebel... god mister...
you barely gave a kiss in her brow and she wants to breathe already... she wants to breathe... she is so tired of your omnipresence... you have done so wrong moves...
I told you to not overact mister... go to die... so sorrys till die... take a breath mister... don't sigh please...
mas voce poderia guardar o seu desejo para voce com um suspiro valentine... mas nao o seu amor que ja foi dado... em um retrato em branco e preto valentine...
precisa ainda ser colorido mister... oh yeah...
e a palavra querida valentine... querida senhorina... don't know mister... but don't use it too much... querida senhorina... last time promisse dear...
and so the life goes on... you get some popularity at least with your mother hopefully and then you overreact or someone in the crowd points his finger in your direction for whatever reason he can find to blame you and then you lose it... and the things you are doing as you understand them can be so diferently understood by the other guy who pointed you his finger... then you can not let holes and so you need to find the right way to do things... but what a fuck is the right way to do things valentine... hopefuly yours mister... it depends valentine... it depends on your talents mister... oh yeah... but then you could rob her mister... oh yeah... voce entra no cercado dela e grita bem alto assalto... alto e grosso valentine... frightening mister... e depois de todos ja terem olhado para voce assustados voce da a ordem mister.... senhorina vini qui... siiii... la senhoriiiina... and you please calm down sweet... calm down please... so sorry... some girl would have vomit because of the fear... so sorry... that would not be the right think to be done mister... why not dear... why not... porque hoje todos os hojes nao passam de sofrimento por nao poder te-la hoje em seus bracos valentine... take care with suffering as well mister... do not abuse... oh yeah dear... and when you really overact mister... tell me more about that... god dear... you better go to die for a while then valentine... from three months to three years mister... oh yeah... but later dear...
and now what about the word divine valentine... don't know as well mister... you please try to understand its meaning but do not use it too much as welll... people would suspect of your manhood... oh yeah dear... but I think I have understood it already... but I do not use it too much anyway... but then you sit in your chair and feel she is also there right there on your lap... because you can construct her hologram valentine... and you can do whatever you want with it... god mister... I am not talking about fucking sex necessaryly valentine... sorry mister... but it is so divine... please mister... mas eh assim tao divino porque voce nao consegue de fato construir o holograma inteiro... voce nao consegue construir por exemplo uma expressao de odio por voce no rosto dela... e por isso eh divino... mister please... non piangere piu... porque ela e so ela podera lhe oferecer a divina felicidade seja isso ou muito ou pouco ou alto ou baixo ou gordo ou magro ou seja isso o que for valentine... god mister... at least you have your hologram of hers... oh yeah... please go die mister... but then you talk with her hologram as if you were talking with her... oh yeah... and sometimes you believe that your hologram is complete and that there is really no anger in her face being directed to you... so divine... please mister god...
but then you begin from nothing to talk with the hologram of that guy that pointed his finger to you and now you can see some anger in both faces... some mister... are you sure some... and the talk will finish only when you desconstruct the guy in your mind and leave him alone to glue the pieces together valentine... god mister... hopefully in the right way this time mister... oh yeah... but then you feel so sorry for him... you have reduced him to desert sand but it is too late... thanks god it was only his hologram valentine...
and so life goes on... viva cuba valentine... cuba libre mister... oh yeah... after some one else maybe... what day is today valentine... today is the day you will pass entirely died in the bed don't you mister... oh yeah... night will take so long to come anyway dear... and you want only to be embraced by the night because you love her. I can't take it anymore mister pleease...
and so life goes on and you begin to think in her blog again valentine... you just need to open it... and she is a wild writer... and maybe she doesn't know it yet... are you sure mister... at least she could assume it for herself to begin... oh yeah... because she tells you a life in a brief paragraph valentine... per dio mister... oh yeah... but you are always in fear of having your own life resumed there in one brief paragraph as well valentine... but you can resume your life in a tree words phrase don't you mister... and a final dot dear... but you would prefer to play that flute forever instead don't you mister... oh yeah... mas voce tem que ceder um pouco valentine... explain yourself mister... she would understand dear...
and so life goes on but now you just need to stop for a while valentine... everything is so black... her heart could be so yours for you all dear readers of her blog and so you really can not decide about your part in it... if any... god mister... her soul body and mind are so yours my dear reader... but there is no way to make a proper division between soul body and mind valentine... three is a really odd number... her soul and mind should be put together in one package and her body should be put in some kind of templo to jezebel... forget dear... her body should be put in another package... I will describe later how should it be valentine... and both packages should be sent to your address mister... oh yeah dear... go to die please... what is the difference betwen soul and mind mister...
e entao voce comeca a pensar que com quaisquer cinco linhas voce derruba qualquer porta menos a porta do quarto dela valentine... diante da porta do quarto dela voce so pode posar como uma especie de eternidade mal resolvida... sempre ver chegar sempre ver partir e sempre desejar... como uma estatua muda, de pe, que nunca podera se mover... por que nunca chamara a atencao dela... please mister fix that shit... better forget... ou entao procure se mover um pouco god mister... oh yeah... it is time to shave...
and then you try to trace down her mind following in between her lines trying to find some hide meaning there that could be related to you... you want to find your right place in her mind once and for all valentine... but you can't find it... you never was able to find any place at all for you mister... take some breath mister... oh yeah... mas um dia beija outro nao beija quem sabe mister... e apos quem sabe valentine...
and what about the word diagonal valentine... diegonow mister... diagonal dear... don't know mister... I don't see any poetry in there... maybe a sword separating your heart in two halves by the main diagonal dear... if she is going to take hers with her will be fine mister... go die mister.... oh yeah... go die now. Mister... just for a while dear...
but then you notice so clearly a big difference between your subterranean letters and her blog valentine... in her blog she glues together all the guys and girls in love with her to compose her bewitchment and so you also can see you there in her coloured bubble gum... and in your case you try to glue together all the girls you are in love with but that barely or in no way requite your love mister... oh yeah dear... but then you should want to write a book of poems and to dedicate it for her and some others anyway mister... oh yeah dear... for her and some others... but there is no glue in your bubble gum for all of them mister... to die go now... but not hers god... not this time... this time you would stand in line forever to glue in her body the portion of yours you can see in her letters to the world... can you see your eyes there mister... oh yeah... she took a look at your eyes dear... oh yeah god... then at least you can glue your eyes in her body mister... but not in her eyes maybe mister... sorry... but not this tiiime dear... because this time you can fill your heart with the passionate letters she send to others anyway because you believe you see some traces of you in there... just traces mister... and your trace detector can be so desregutated mister... oh yeah... just a child mister... you would like to laugh but you can't dear sorry... so sorrys till die mister... but you would like to say once and for all for her does not fuck with you... does not fuck with you mister... I mean... you know... don't fuck me my so blessed senhorina... oh yeah mister... but now a lot of girls want to fuck her and with her dear... I mean... you know... not counting the so many guys in the last case mister... oh yeah dear...
but now you better go to review some little details before to continue with such a long so long history mister... for intance mister - so long but in the first chapter yet valentine - please mister...
for instance mister... does "you" mean "you", "his" or "I" mister? Please don't mind dear... but be sure that her means her without any reasonable doubt... oh yeah mister...
and for instance mister... you should use commas more often mister... oh no dear... no way... please try to follow the meanings by the words alone... no way dear... But who knows? If you say that...
and for instance mister... did she ever has loved you mister... so little detail mister... oh yeah dear... so little... but it depends of that for her to get the time to follow your words mister... oh yeah...
but later dear... because now you just need to go die... and now "you" means you and I valentine...
and in your bed dear... please... just embrace me...
but do you think they would burn her alive in some brutal fire as some kind of witch mister... oh yeah...
even when she is talking to a girl you think she is talking with the feminine part of some self of yours valentine...
but you would be there to save her in the last minute anyway mister... oh yeah... just embrace me dear...
but she would prefer to burn on fire than to accept your help would not she mister... oh yeah...
god mister...
just embrace me dear.
i love what you said! thank you!
THANKS 
