So uhh kill me now...
Frakking allergies! I don't know what all triggered it but I was sneezing all morning. I took some stuff and it's kinda helped but jesus man I'm sick of just waking up and start sneezing like it's the thing to do.
Anyway, day 3 of trying to get the most out of my money here on SG. I'm pretty sure no one is reading this so I'm just gonna come out and say it *I'm voting for John McCain for president. Woo feels good to get that off my chest, I feel free I think I just came out of my republican closet. Oh and seeing as this is just me wirting getting out what I got in my head to completely anonymous people who I doubt even read this... I uhh yeah got a new phone to replace my old one...Go team venture! BTW Loved the ending to the end of this last season
Frakking allergies! I don't know what all triggered it but I was sneezing all morning. I took some stuff and it's kinda helped but jesus man I'm sick of just waking up and start sneezing like it's the thing to do.
Anyway, day 3 of trying to get the most out of my money here on SG. I'm pretty sure no one is reading this so I'm just gonna come out and say it *I'm voting for John McCain for president. Woo feels good to get that off my chest, I feel free I think I just came out of my republican closet. Oh and seeing as this is just me wirting getting out what I got in my head to completely anonymous people who I doubt even read this... I uhh yeah got a new phone to replace my old one...Go team venture! BTW Loved the ending to the end of this last season
Anyway anonymous people that don't read this I think I'm gonna go do some blow then speed down the highway kill a few people and get away with it now that I'm a republican and can get away with it.
* I will not be voting for John McCain seeing as I think I'd end up moving to Canada to so I wouldn't have to live in a declining country cause we'll be going down a sinking ship if he is elected.