Okay, here's the deal. I'm making this journal public so everyone both on SG and off can read it- and I want them to. Tell your friends.
Now, I know a lot of people that aren't here anymore. Yes, this makes me sad. But, this isn't my website, so I don't question why they're gone. I play by the rules because I love this place- I know it sounds dorky as hell, but I do. I love the community, the people I've met, the models, and all the crazy fun stuff we do. I've traveled extensively for the first time in my life because of this place, I found a job through this place, I've made some of the best friends in my life through this place, and I will NEVER give that up. I love it here, and I don't wanna go anywhere. Especially not to any of those "other sites". You know which ones.
Anyway, here's my main beef with one of them- some of you may know it as "Dale's". Recently, I went to a party at a friend's house for his birthday. Now, this friend used to be on SG, and isn't anymore. Again- it makes me a little sad that he's not here anymore, but I can still go hang out with him IRL, which is what I did one night. He was throwing a party, and I went.
Now. Stupid, trusting me that I am, I went to this party, expecting it to be a regular party. Well, at least as regular as one of his parties could be, anyway. So, I went, and for about the first hour, had a pretty good time. Then it started to dawn on me- this was a party for "Dale's". Which I was NOT COOL with. But, I tried to be. I tried to say that websites didn't matter to me, and smooth everything over with people. But the more I tried, the more unreasonable they got. Until something happened that broke the camel's back.
See, I've made a lot of friends on here. I care about these people very deeply. Now, I'm not going to name names, but if you know me, you know that I'm very good friends with one of the SG's. She was also at the party, in the same boat as I was- she was duped into thinking that it was just a party. Anyway, the "proprietor" of "Dale's" was going around, taking photos of the party. Maybe the topless 18-year old girls (I hope they were 18, at least) had something to do with it. He found this friend of mine, and kept pointing the camera at her and saying, "I'm going to post your picture on the front page tomorrow and get you kicked off SG so you can come model for us!"
This made Satan very angry when he heard about it. VERY angry.
Now, I didn't hear about this until a day or two later. Apparently my SG friend was almost in tears at the party because of this. See why I got so mad? Anyway, this guy IMs me after the party and says, "When are you joining our site?" I tell him that he really pissed me off by what he did, and explain myself to him. He then proceeds to apologize- to me. I told him that he was saying sorry to the wrong person- he needed to apologize to my SG friend. So, he says all right, and I don't hear from him for a few days, maybe a week.
Now, he knows people who know people who know me. AND, more importantly, my SG friend. So if he wanted to get a hold of her and apologize, it wouldn't be too hard. Anyway, a few days go by, and he pops on again- "When are you joining our site?" I ask him, "Did you apologize to her?"
Now here's the part that really gets me. He gives me a shitload of excuses why he can't.
So, if you're out there, and you're wondering when Satan is coming to your site, stop wondering. Especially if you're on that "other" site. This is my home- I love it here, I'm not going anywhere, and I'm sick of explaining my decision. So fuck off, already.
Now, I know a lot of people that aren't here anymore. Yes, this makes me sad. But, this isn't my website, so I don't question why they're gone. I play by the rules because I love this place- I know it sounds dorky as hell, but I do. I love the community, the people I've met, the models, and all the crazy fun stuff we do. I've traveled extensively for the first time in my life because of this place, I found a job through this place, I've made some of the best friends in my life through this place, and I will NEVER give that up. I love it here, and I don't wanna go anywhere. Especially not to any of those "other sites". You know which ones.
Anyway, here's my main beef with one of them- some of you may know it as "Dale's". Recently, I went to a party at a friend's house for his birthday. Now, this friend used to be on SG, and isn't anymore. Again- it makes me a little sad that he's not here anymore, but I can still go hang out with him IRL, which is what I did one night. He was throwing a party, and I went.
Now. Stupid, trusting me that I am, I went to this party, expecting it to be a regular party. Well, at least as regular as one of his parties could be, anyway. So, I went, and for about the first hour, had a pretty good time. Then it started to dawn on me- this was a party for "Dale's". Which I was NOT COOL with. But, I tried to be. I tried to say that websites didn't matter to me, and smooth everything over with people. But the more I tried, the more unreasonable they got. Until something happened that broke the camel's back.
See, I've made a lot of friends on here. I care about these people very deeply. Now, I'm not going to name names, but if you know me, you know that I'm very good friends with one of the SG's. She was also at the party, in the same boat as I was- she was duped into thinking that it was just a party. Anyway, the "proprietor" of "Dale's" was going around, taking photos of the party. Maybe the topless 18-year old girls (I hope they were 18, at least) had something to do with it. He found this friend of mine, and kept pointing the camera at her and saying, "I'm going to post your picture on the front page tomorrow and get you kicked off SG so you can come model for us!"
This made Satan very angry when he heard about it. VERY angry.
Now, I didn't hear about this until a day or two later. Apparently my SG friend was almost in tears at the party because of this. See why I got so mad? Anyway, this guy IMs me after the party and says, "When are you joining our site?" I tell him that he really pissed me off by what he did, and explain myself to him. He then proceeds to apologize- to me. I told him that he was saying sorry to the wrong person- he needed to apologize to my SG friend. So, he says all right, and I don't hear from him for a few days, maybe a week.
Now, he knows people who know people who know me. AND, more importantly, my SG friend. So if he wanted to get a hold of her and apologize, it wouldn't be too hard. Anyway, a few days go by, and he pops on again- "When are you joining our site?" I ask him, "Did you apologize to her?"
Now here's the part that really gets me. He gives me a shitload of excuses why he can't.
So, if you're out there, and you're wondering when Satan is coming to your site, stop wondering. Especially if you're on that "other" site. This is my home- I love it here, I'm not going anywhere, and I'm sick of explaining my decision. So fuck off, already.
that sucks ass.. although i don't know what other site you're talking about... see? i don't even know of anything outside of here..
