Guess who gets to drive to Yakima tomorrow morning?
Still, it'll be the first time I've finished a server install all by myself, which'll be kinda cool. So I'm actually somewhat looking forward to it. The eight hours on the road? Not really. I just hope the install goes okay. I don't think I'll have any major problems- I'm replacing an existing server, so really all I have to do is demote the existing one, rename it, kick it off the domain, change the new one's name to match the old, promote it to domain controller status, and it should be fine. Get all that?
In other news, there really isn't any other news. Still playing too much XBox, still broke, still happily married, still have pets that drive me nuts on a daily basis. I've had a couple ideas kicking around for some short stories I'd like to get on paper soon, though. I'm almost hesitant to post anything I write here anymore, since once the "add blog" button is pressed, they belong to SG and not me anymore. I guess it's good for throwaway stuff or exercises, but I wouldn't want to stick anything on here I actually thought might have half a chance at getting published somewhere.
Am I alone in being kinda fuckin' stoked that Obama's got half a chance at this thing?
I don't think I am.

Still, it'll be the first time I've finished a server install all by myself, which'll be kinda cool. So I'm actually somewhat looking forward to it. The eight hours on the road? Not really. I just hope the install goes okay. I don't think I'll have any major problems- I'm replacing an existing server, so really all I have to do is demote the existing one, rename it, kick it off the domain, change the new one's name to match the old, promote it to domain controller status, and it should be fine. Get all that?
In other news, there really isn't any other news. Still playing too much XBox, still broke, still happily married, still have pets that drive me nuts on a daily basis. I've had a couple ideas kicking around for some short stories I'd like to get on paper soon, though. I'm almost hesitant to post anything I write here anymore, since once the "add blog" button is pressed, they belong to SG and not me anymore. I guess it's good for throwaway stuff or exercises, but I wouldn't want to stick anything on here I actually thought might have half a chance at getting published somewhere.
Am I alone in being kinda fuckin' stoked that Obama's got half a chance at this thing?
I don't think I am.
I'm sure there are other places you can host the short stories and then just link to them from your journal. that doesn't belong to them.
yeh. Obama's on a roll. He's gotta take at least one more big state (Texas, Penn, or Ohio) though before he can win without the superdelegates being the deciding factor. even then, they could swing the vote.
I'm a little worried about my home state, but I'll be at the polls voting for him...and to make tinfoil hats for the Paulites. I can use the money i make from selling those to buy whiskey!