Well, to whoever might read this....
Looks like I won't be able to afford to leave this place for at least a year, so I decided that I need to start spending my energy somewhere, to distract me from how much I hate it.
I've decided to challenge myself. This summer, I'm gonna jog from ottawa to montreal, camping along the way. So far, the...
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Looks like I won't be able to afford to leave this place for at least a year, so I decided that I need to start spending my energy somewhere, to distract me from how much I hate it.
I've decided to challenge myself. This summer, I'm gonna jog from ottawa to montreal, camping along the way. So far, the...
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All work and no play makes misterred something something
I need to leave mtrl, get the hell away from it... Leave Quebec.... Leave canada even.
In a few months, I'm going, and I'm figuring out my place in the world.
In a few months, I'm going, and I'm figuring out my place in the world.
Bud.. all I can say is DO IT! Get the f#@% out of here. It's totally worth it. I just got back from a six month trip (witch was all too short) in Europe and now I am back in Gatineau and I am pulling my hair out! It was the greatest experience of my life and I'm planing my next trip next year in Belgium..

yeah, California is for this year for me but I don't really consider it a trip.. more of a getaway of a few days (one week)...
that's all I can get off at work this year

today was such a long day at work
I almost sinned in my pants when I finally got to sit down in my car!
a tear of joy trickled down my cheek when I took the first bite out of my cold leftover pizza

a tear of joy trickled down my cheek when I took the first bite out of my cold leftover pizza

Thank you for the sweet comment on my set, doll! 


Hi! ^_^ How are you?

What crappy holidays... work, work, work, work and more work
this is what my holiday vacation is:
Work on the 21-22-23-24-26-27-28-29-30-31-1-2-4-5-6-7
12 hour shifts on the 29-30-31
someone come over and put a bullet in my head

merci ^__^
courage ( je comprend ton enervement...moi je travaillais meme le dimanche ce mois ci ><
courage ( je comprend ton enervement...moi je travaillais meme le dimanche ce mois ci ><

teeheee thanks! I know I hate ppl like that, i'm try and find him, Ottawa is small enough
its a fine tree. i love bad xmas trees. it makes such a crap holiday somehow worthwhile.
Thank you and happy b-day
Thanks for your comment on my last set!

AH!!!! look at his little teeth!!! *dies*
hh, oui t fou, et c excellent!
kes qui se passe avec toi?