Merry Christmas everyone. I'll be able to start updating again soon once I get through all this holiday shit. Hope you and your families have a safe and fun holiday weekend!
Hello I am Shellina Mister Plaid's sexy secretary, here to tell you that he has been busy as of late but promises to inform you guys of his doings and non doings as soon as he finds the time. I have reprimanded him on ignoring his SG friends. Dont worry the punishments will continue until he complies.

Shellina oink

OOO sounds like a great photoset! Maybe I can help! hee hee hee. biggrin
damn thats hot i dont care who you are
Wow... it's been a while since I've written anything on here. I've been very busy, and this week, feeling a bit under the weather. It's been so hectic, trying to repair Shellinas computer, working, learning my parts for Jazz band, trying to spend as much time as possible with Shellina before she returned to work (she started back last saturday frown ), and trying to spend...
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Hey, what's up brother?

I hope that things are still going as well as they were when you wrote that last journal update.


hey i'm baaack
"rickie's shrine to shellina"

So, found out this week that I'm not getting a promotion at work. frown
I was supposed to replace someone else that was being promoted also, but they decided to give someone else his job, and therefore screw me out of my advancement.
Not such a big deal, I guess... not sure if I want to advance in this company anyway... it'd...
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*starts playing "Everybody's Working for the Weekend"*
I love Shellina so much... I have no doubt in my mind that I will marry her and live the rest of my days by her side.

her surgery went better than planned. they were unexpectedly able to save her ovary, clean up all of the scar tissue, and get rid of a cyst the size of a plum. no cancer, nothing dangerous left behind,...
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Beautiful...man, blessing upon you both.
I am soooo glad that she is doing well and I think it is sooo sweet that she came thru the surgery and one of the first things she asked was if you called me...How sweet!
I can't wait to see you guys this Friday!
Take Care!
My "the ex" can't be my friend anymore. Maybe some day in the future we will talk about this and laugh, be our old carefree selves again without these tensions tethering us to emotions and feelings that will never be fulfilled. I'll always have a place in my heart for her, even if my heart belongs to Shellina.

perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit...
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another week has come and gone so I can embark on a new journey

wow... what's happened since the last time I wrote anything on here?

Quite a bit, actually... I spent all the time I could with Shellina this past week... We overslept when I stayed with her on Thursday morning and she was really upset... we really wanted to spend some quality time...
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I had an awesome weekend with Shellina... We wanted to have a photo shoot with another friend of ours in Knoxville, but it didn't pan out, so we kinda had an informal one of our own instead... I'll be posting some of my favorites on here as soon as I drag out photoshop and clean them up a little bit... or if anyone wants a...
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eeek OMG that narcisstic disorder sounds like "you know who" on here. That is EXACTLY like he acts. WOW. You don't seem like that. I can totally understand what it is like to like change. It is exciting.

As far as your writings about your new found love; I think it is amazing how love can make a person write the most moving words. It is like it just flows out of you from a place that was unknown and when read, lightens a person's soul, making their heart beat a little faster for a few seconds.
I think the most profound thing that can happen when you fall in love...the look between you and that person. It's like, every second that you look into each other's eyes, you can see into their soul. You are connected to it and all you feel is warmth and bliss. To me, this is the deepest way to connect with a person that you are in love with. It is like you have found a way to communicate without words and it is magical.
Ok, on a lighter note, phew, I can't wait to see you guys this weekend.
Love is frustrating. I wish you luck. I found the perfect girl for me.. but, things are bizarre right now between her and I. But, I have faith that we will iron out the rough spots that are going on at the moment.
You guys are like two Peas in a Pod! Nice pics. Next time CHARGE YOUR PHONE UP...LOL.
I hope to see you guys this weekend. Call me later in the week to let me know.
Take Care.
well as you can see i dont think about clint. thast why i mentioned it. im best friends with his best friend...if that makes sense. i met clint through him and he said something about him last night. hahaha. so i had to put a small rant about him. other than that i dont think about him.
not exactly sure what i will get. its always at the spur of the moment. so it will be a surprise.
I've been going absolutely crazy trying to get the band's web page up... getting all sorts of domain errors, frontpage errors, scripting errors, etc. I'm just pulling my hair out. all of the problems seem to stem from my web server providor, so I'm giving them one more chance to get things straightened out before I switch to another company...

Why can't things just work...
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i hate coding. i usually just come up with a concept, show it to my friend, and have HIM do all the coding for me (if it can be done) when i need a site up. so far it has worked well...ish...
Good ta' meet cha', stay in touch. wink