AmSouth sucks!
They have fucked me royally... I just wrote them a letter... here it is:
I just wanted to send an email explaining why I have opened an account at a different bank and will soon be closing my account at AmSouth. I've banked with AmSouth for nearly ten years and have, in my opinion, been a good customer. Recently a bill of mine was posted onto my account four times by mistake. The company that made the error immediately contacted VISA and had the amount changed to $1 and refunded all of the charges back to me, resulting in a $4 debit and $4 credit on my account. Unfortunately, if the bill had been posted to my account, it would have been in overdraft. I say "if" because the transactions were NEVER posted to my account. However, I've been informed that it's AmSouth's policy to charge me the overdraft fees anyway, just because IF the debits had gone through (which they didn't) then my account would have been below zero.
I was then charged overdraft fees on every transaction that went through my account because the overdraft charges that should have never been charged to my account (because my account was never below zero) actually caused my account to go below zero. In other words, I was charged overdraft charges due to the overdraft charges that should have never been posted to my account. I was penalized numerous times for something that NEVER HAPPENED.
I have talked to people on the phone until I was blue in the face with no satisfaction. I have talked to people at the bank with no satisfactions. I have talked to the bank manager of my branch, and she refunded HALF of the charges. Why, as a customer, should I be happy with that? I SHOULDN'T and I'm NOT.
The money that she refunded into my account put me back into a positive balance (which if you do the math should be impossible if I was being charged while having a zero balance), but on the same day I had a couple of transactions go through and I was charged overdraft charges for them too, once again plunging me into a negative balance.
I, and my entire family are closing our accounts within the next week. Including me, that is nearly a dozen accounts, including two business accounts. Several of my friends also will be doing the same, and you can rest assured that I will be telling every person that I know (especially those banking at AmSouth) about this little experience.
I would hope that someone at your company would have a conscience and do the right thing, but I wouldn't bank on it.
Sorry about the fucking pun at the end, but you have to admit, I've kept my sense of humor about this fucked up shit.
Don't bank at AmSouth
They have fucked me royally... I just wrote them a letter... here it is:
I just wanted to send an email explaining why I have opened an account at a different bank and will soon be closing my account at AmSouth. I've banked with AmSouth for nearly ten years and have, in my opinion, been a good customer. Recently a bill of mine was posted onto my account four times by mistake. The company that made the error immediately contacted VISA and had the amount changed to $1 and refunded all of the charges back to me, resulting in a $4 debit and $4 credit on my account. Unfortunately, if the bill had been posted to my account, it would have been in overdraft. I say "if" because the transactions were NEVER posted to my account. However, I've been informed that it's AmSouth's policy to charge me the overdraft fees anyway, just because IF the debits had gone through (which they didn't) then my account would have been below zero.
I was then charged overdraft fees on every transaction that went through my account because the overdraft charges that should have never been charged to my account (because my account was never below zero) actually caused my account to go below zero. In other words, I was charged overdraft charges due to the overdraft charges that should have never been posted to my account. I was penalized numerous times for something that NEVER HAPPENED.
I have talked to people on the phone until I was blue in the face with no satisfaction. I have talked to people at the bank with no satisfactions. I have talked to the bank manager of my branch, and she refunded HALF of the charges. Why, as a customer, should I be happy with that? I SHOULDN'T and I'm NOT.
The money that she refunded into my account put me back into a positive balance (which if you do the math should be impossible if I was being charged while having a zero balance), but on the same day I had a couple of transactions go through and I was charged overdraft charges for them too, once again plunging me into a negative balance.
I, and my entire family are closing our accounts within the next week. Including me, that is nearly a dozen accounts, including two business accounts. Several of my friends also will be doing the same, and you can rest assured that I will be telling every person that I know (especially those banking at AmSouth) about this little experience.
I would hope that someone at your company would have a conscience and do the right thing, but I wouldn't bank on it.
Sorry about the fucking pun at the end, but you have to admit, I've kept my sense of humor about this fucked up shit.
Don't bank at AmSouth
I bank at AmSouth. It kind of sucks, but I'm too lazy to switch banks. Plus, free checking!
ack! I'll never bank at AmSouth!!!! I'm a Union Planters girl...I really like them, but they just got bought out by Regions and now I'm scared.