Wow... it's been a while since I've written anything on here. I've been very busy, and this week, feeling a bit under the weather. It's been so hectic, trying to repair Shellinas computer, working, learning my parts for Jazz band, trying to spend as much time as possible with Shellina before she returned to work (she started back last saturday
), and trying to spend time with my family.
Speaking of family, I saw my great-grandfather yesterday. He's looking so bad. I really need to go see him and my great-grandmother sometime soon. I'm afraid they won't be with us very much longer. It was very nice to talk to him... it's been too long. The first thing out of him mouth was "You got fat!" lol... maybe it's because he's lost so much weight...
I've gotta get things rolling for Shellinas web site... we've been tossing around some ideas lately, and we're getting really excited about it... make sure you keep an eye out, and I'll let you all know when we get ready for launch. I'll probably need several people to beta test the programming on the site to make sure everything works properly on the various browsers that are out there. If anyone's interested, just shoot me an email on here and I'll keep you in mind for it.
Life is absolutely wonderful as far as Shellina is concerned. I love her so much, and she makes me happier than I've ever been before. She consumes so much of me that I can't decide whether she's a vitrue or a vice. Maybe she's both. I think I can handle that...
Well, gotta start getting ready for work now... take care, everyone, and I'll be back soon(er) this time!

Speaking of family, I saw my great-grandfather yesterday. He's looking so bad. I really need to go see him and my great-grandmother sometime soon. I'm afraid they won't be with us very much longer. It was very nice to talk to him... it's been too long. The first thing out of him mouth was "You got fat!" lol... maybe it's because he's lost so much weight...
I've gotta get things rolling for Shellinas web site... we've been tossing around some ideas lately, and we're getting really excited about it... make sure you keep an eye out, and I'll let you all know when we get ready for launch. I'll probably need several people to beta test the programming on the site to make sure everything works properly on the various browsers that are out there. If anyone's interested, just shoot me an email on here and I'll keep you in mind for it.
Life is absolutely wonderful as far as Shellina is concerned. I love her so much, and she makes me happier than I've ever been before. She consumes so much of me that I can't decide whether she's a vitrue or a vice. Maybe she's both. I think I can handle that...
Well, gotta start getting ready for work now... take care, everyone, and I'll be back soon(er) this time!
I hope that things are still going as well as they were when you wrote that last journal update.