I went to an organizational meeting for Kerry supporters this evening. We felt all political and democratic stuffing envelopes and waxing philosophic on Bush's idiocy.

Now I hear rumor that Bush is going to delay the election by arbitrarily elevating the terror alert, thereby necessitating a postponement of the Nov. ballot. What a tool.
hey fellow ohioan!
i registered to vote this year to vote out bush.
that's why he's doing that.
i haven't seen the movie. but want to!!!
Oh, the joy of antiobiotics!

After a quick trip to the doctor's office and a diagnosis of "acute pharyngitis," I'm feeling much better. I'll thank Pfizer for that one.
I hope everyone had a good 4th. I woke up yesterday morning feeling absolutely shitty...which is weird considering I felt perfectly fine the day before.

So I laid on the couch all day, watched Wonder Boys, Dogma, and Blazing Saddles. Mel Brooks continues to astound me; I don't think I've ever seen a movie that critiques racism so overtly.

I'm feeling a little better this...
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it's not absolutely required to have tattoos to be an sg. and i already have one.
Thanks for the b'day wish doll! kiss
Just got back from two kick-ass Phish shows in Noblesville, IN. My brother flew in from VA for the shows, and it was a great bonding experience. Smoked a lot, hung out, slept in the car, watched some of the best live music I've ever seen. More importantly, I saw my first Phish show during the band's final tour.

Now the countdown begins to VT.
i have an sg set on the way. wink
Feeling down in the dumps today, which is an odd sensation to have during the summer. Having all this time off from work seems to make me stagnate.

This is the first summer when I haven't been signed up for classes or working a full-time job. I've been out of school for less than two weeks and already I'm getting antsy.
I was doing some online searching for the new apartment, and I came across the most amazing furniture website, You should all check it out: Hot Shit
I got some new furniture today. I love this time of year. All the college kids move out and you can get all kinds of cool stuff in the allies. Of course you have to fight the bums but it's worth it.
Birthday turned out hunky dory. After a day of feeling sorry for myself, the significant other and I went to dinner and to see Shrek 2. It's a quality flick. I highly recommend it.

It's so nice being out of school for the summer. Still, I can already see myself getting bored. Any suggestions for a summer job?
happy birthday
Give Plasma!
It's fun and makes drinking that evening really cheap and thrilling!

Today is my birthday. I'm 25 years old. Whoopee.
So happy birthday and congartulations to being allowed to rent a car without having to pay extra for insurance because you are too young.

Party on
Yay for 25!! I am waiting.. so that I can rent cars and afford college.

Thanks for the music info... I am making a list of music to buy this summer.
Yayyyy! School is all done! Now I just have faculty meetings tomorrow morning and graduation tomorrow evening, and that's it! smile
YAY! I got one more test thursday and that's it for the term. Woo hoo!
A fun weekend so far. Working on my new apartment with the significant other and finishing grading exams. I'm up to my ears in work, but the end is in sight.

Thinking of getting a new tattoo. Anyone have suggestions?