About time for a new entry.
Kelli and I just got back from a week-long trip to New York City, where we visited both her friends and mine. We also found our way to some fantastic museums, including the new Nomadic Museum on Pier 54, MOMA, and the Museum of Natural History. We also stopped in Pittsburgh on the way back to visit IKEA and...
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Kelli and I just got back from a week-long trip to New York City, where we visited both her friends and mine. We also found our way to some fantastic museums, including the new Nomadic Museum on Pier 54, MOMA, and the Museum of Natural History. We also stopped in Pittsburgh on the way back to visit IKEA and...
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Happy Turkey Day!


We're watching a documentary right now about Outkast. It's pretty interesting, even though it does seem a little weird to be watching something that has a dated feel, and Andre 3000 and Big Boi are very much still around. Normally people don't have an appreciation for unusual music until well after the groups break up, e.g., The Velvet Underground's current...
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We're watching a documentary right now about Outkast. It's pretty interesting, even though it does seem a little weird to be watching something that has a dated feel, and Andre 3000 and Big Boi are very much still around. Normally people don't have an appreciation for unusual music until well after the groups break up, e.g., The Velvet Underground's current...
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Sooooooooooooo...what have you been up to lately?
It's been a long time since my last update, and I can attribute that only to my frequent pot-smoking and excessive amount of grading I've had to do. And yet here it is, 1:38 in the morning, and I've got to be at school tomorrow for a 9:15 exam, and I'm stoned again. Love it.
So I'm thinking that this coming year will be my...
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So I'm thinking that this coming year will be my...
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thought I'd let you know, I just went pink.

thought I'd let you know, I just went pink.

Ron Jeremy is my hero.
I saw a documentary on HBO this weekend that went into detail about his life, his work, his dick, etc. What a fascinating guy.
Did you know that he went to school for acting and then got a Master's in Special Education? He taught mentally handicapped children for two years before try for a full-time acting career, and the porn...
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I saw a documentary on HBO this weekend that went into detail about his life, his work, his dick, etc. What a fascinating guy.
Did you know that he went to school for acting and then got a Master's in Special Education? He taught mentally handicapped children for two years before try for a full-time acting career, and the porn...
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Memorable line from this weekend: "I wish I had a job that would allow me to smoke pot all the time. Are there any jobs like that?" Good thing I preserved the moment on film.
I'm all turkeyed out. And here it is, Sunday evening/Monday morning, and I have to be back at work, shaping young minds, in less than seven hours, and all I...
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I'm all turkeyed out. And here it is, Sunday evening/Monday morning, and I have to be back at work, shaping young minds, in less than seven hours, and all I...
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I know this is not a good goal but I always wanted to be a Vivid girl...*le Sigh*
Been a while since I last updated, which isn't a surprise considering the job craziness. The end of the first quarter, coupled with parent-teacher conferences, and some various other new school initiatives have kept me pretty damn busy.
I'm a little bummed that I haven't been able to keep up my study of Buddhism during the last few weeks. I was really starting to get...
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I'm a little bummed that I haven't been able to keep up my study of Buddhism during the last few weeks. I was really starting to get...
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happy thanksgiving, babe

I bought the new Elliot Smith album today from iTunes, and it's really sad listening to it knowing that he'll never make another album. I now understand, to some extent, what my friends felt when Kurt Cobain killed himself a decade ago.
I think the strangest part is listening to him sing and realizing that his voice will never be heard in person again. It...
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I think the strangest part is listening to him sing and realizing that his voice will never be heard in person again. It...
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I like your favorites, though I was more an Emerson fan than Thoreau, but still a transcendentalist.
I actually still have not found a center that I am happy with, atleast that I feel at home at. I still continue my studies on my own. I try a new center every once in awhile to try and locate one, I'm getting ready to move though, it was strange, but I decided I wanted to further my studies in Buddhism, and Decided I wanted to go to school in NY, and then on TV I saw a report about a buddhist onk who lives in NY and teaches in Central Park. Who knows... maybe a sign.
I do study my Yoga regularly, and I have begun to adapt alot of my Buddhist teachings into my Yoga... Meditation and Study.
Other than that, I have put my search on hold until I move to New york, I'll keep looking once I get there.

I actually still have not found a center that I am happy with, atleast that I feel at home at. I still continue my studies on my own. I try a new center every once in awhile to try and locate one, I'm getting ready to move though, it was strange, but I decided I wanted to further my studies in Buddhism, and Decided I wanted to go to school in NY, and then on TV I saw a report about a buddhist onk who lives in NY and teaches in Central Park. Who knows... maybe a sign.
I do study my Yoga regularly, and I have begun to adapt alot of my Buddhist teachings into my Yoga... Meditation and Study.
Other than that, I have put my search on hold until I move to New york, I'll keep looking once I get there.
Oh man...the liquid diet was horrible, but yes, I am back on solid foods now. My tongue is no longer swollen or sore and all is well!
The weather is finally starting to turn cold here in Ohio, of which I am very glad. Physically, the warm weather always seems to dull me, as if the heat demanded exertion only for breathing. The crisp autumn revitalizes me, gives me a renewed sense of freshness.
Or maybe it's just that I like my winter wardrobe more than my summer wardrobe.
And how about...
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Or maybe it's just that I like my winter wardrobe more than my summer wardrobe.
And how about...
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argh! i knew it! i knew you'd want to move to canada... not that i blame you. well, ok you can have the futon...
Yeah, well now I have to stay away from oral EVERYTHING! lol I got my tongue pierced last Tuesday, so I can't do anything with my mouth. I've even had to go to liquid diet. I am now attempting to eat soft solids again, but I have to be REAL careful not to hit my piercing with it.
So, do you teach at a private school then?
So, do you teach at a private school then?
A wonderful weekend. The missus and I went to an art fair, bought my Mom a really cool, hand-made pin, smoked some pot, watched some T.V., made out...you know, the usual.
Today I spent most of my waking hours working on my students' papers. Man, I really hope they take my comments into account when they do their revisions. Sometimes I feel like I'm just...
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Today I spent most of my waking hours working on my students' papers. Man, I really hope they take my comments into account when they do their revisions. Sometimes I feel like I'm just...
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Well, you know....most kids just go through school out of obligation unfortunately, and end up dropping out while in high school. My freshman class had over a thousand students in it, but by the time I graduated, there were only 400 and something left. Is that sad or what?
Man, I haven't been to anything like an art festival in forever! They dont have a whole lot of that out in Mississippi.
Man, I haven't been to anything like an art festival in forever! They dont have a whole lot of that out in Mississippi.
Interesting new options available in the SG world. I like how the powers that be have finally admitted that SG, while a wonderful site for viewing alternative pornography/expression is as much a glorified dating service as anything else. It reminds me of the people who said that Friendster wasn't a dating service. Bullshit.
ha ha ha. the fact that you don't smoke everyday will definitely keep your tolerance down to that point where you'll notice lower levels of thc in your system, i.e. "the dumbs" from smoking the night before. i wouldn't suggest up'ing the doseage or anything, especially if you don't really want to. i think that ginko would work great for you, but the end-all cure for left-over thc is jogging. if you wake up all dreary in the morning from smoking the night before, make yourself some time to go out for a run. a short jog will really move that shit out of your blood, or at least it does for me. ginko and running brudda, i'll bet that'd do it.
by the way, your profile pic totally makes you look like david cross.
by the way, your profile pic totally makes you look like david cross.

You know...I think it's very interesting how one day you can never have heard a word, and then when it's introduced to you, suddenly you start hearing and seeing it all over the place! Friendster, for instance...now true...I HAD actually heard of it before, but I had never thought much about it...never went and looked at it or whatever...and my good friend from high school was chatting with me today, and brought it up, so I went and looked at it and actually set up an account so we could both chat with this guy she knows (in all honesty, this will never happen because I just don't have the time to chat with some guy in Houston, TX that she finds interesting, when I live in Jackson, MS and have a man) BUT, the point of this conversation is...you brought up Friendster after I had been officially introduced to it today!...lol...I'm apparently in a rambling mood! lol