As I write this, I'm sitting in my stepfather's recliner, desperately trying to fight off the food coma that is about to set in. There's classic rock playing in the background, and occasionally I can hear the laughter drift in from the garage as my 83-year-old grandmother cracks jokes that would make most people blush. It's good to be back.
My short-lived homecoming was kept...
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My short-lived homecoming was kept...
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Glad your surprise worked. Sounds like a nice trip.
Took me long enough, eh?
I seem to be able to recall a time when I would actually do a decent job of sticking to my convictions. Apparently, that's one personality trait that has gone right out the window. Despite my the solemn vow in my last entry, I only managed to stick with the workout regimen for about two weeks. I don't even recall if there was a particular...
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I'm seeing Kick-Ass tomorrow. Looking forward to it!
Keeping the initial motivation going can be difficult, until it becomes a routine. That has always been my shortcoming to trying new things and attempting to make them a part of said routine. No worries man. Until the inspiration once again falls your way, try to vary your schedule a bit and see if the opportunity presents itself.
The near future holds many an open weekend for me, so it won't be a problem finding me around
The near future holds many an open weekend for me, so it won't be a problem finding me around

I had every intention of sleeping until 6am today, but the tree outside my bedroom window is home to a large number of birds who start making noise as soon as the faintest hint of dawn becomes noticeable. Most days, they wake me up long before my alarm goes off, and while I can usually manage to block them out and fall back asleep, today...
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Good luck with the P90X! It was good to see you again last weekend!
A pellet gun might help you get a bit more sleep 

It's been nearly five months since I've taken the time to write more than a few sentences. Truth be told, I haven't the slightest idea why I've gone without updating for so long - it crosses my mind pretty often, but I never seem to get around to actually DOING it. Lack of focus, maybe? I suppose that's as good an excuse as any other....
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Sorry to hear that things haven't been turning out how you expected them too. I agree with Ashley though, I think moving into a new place could be really good for you, and I hope that it is.

hope it helps moving into a new place with a roommate. i only once lived alone sans roommate or husband and it was soooo depressing. i couldn't do it. getting exercise will help with the sleeping for sure. i started working out recently and now i can finally sleep at night. 

Still alive. Just busy. Update soon.
I love how your blog says "update soon" and that was in November... hehehe... Just Sayin'
haha I was just thinking the same thing as Thana
Yes, I'm aware that I took quite the sabbatical from updating, but I'm back now, so you can cease with the bitching.
I'm not even going to attempt to hit every little detail of the events that transpired during my absence, otherwise I'll be sitting here all day. Instead, let's just talk about some of the higher points, shall we?
Vegas, Part One - The...
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I'm not even going to attempt to hit every little detail of the events that transpired during my absence, otherwise I'll be sitting here all day. Instead, let's just talk about some of the higher points, shall we?
Vegas, Part One - The...
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And at current, you're a good listener. Bahahaha 

Got a few hours to kill before work, so this seems like a good time for an update.
After 4 weeks of P90x, I stepped on the scale Monday morning to discover that I'd lost almost exactly 10 pounds since the day I began. Not a bad start, if you ask me. Some of the people I work with have commented on the weight I've...
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After 4 weeks of P90x, I stepped on the scale Monday morning to discover that I'd lost almost exactly 10 pounds since the day I began. Not a bad start, if you ask me. Some of the people I work with have commented on the weight I've...
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Tee hee
still sticking to that p90x. I got the videos and realized it was way out of my league. I'll stick to my 2hour free weight sessions. pull ups and push ups are to hard for me.

So after two days of listening to Donut cry incessantly, I decided she needed a playmate. So now instead of one little ball of fur and energy, I've got two. The second one is named O'Malley (again, points if you catch the reference), and he's a lot more inquisitive than his sister. He is also quickly learning to fear the spray bottle, as he has...
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I know! 

I likes to read so yes I read your whole blog. I wanna see your kitties!!
Today marks the beginning of my third week on the P90x routine. The first week was BRUTAL - I was more tired and sore than I've ever been in my entire life, but that all faded away once I got into the second week. So far, I've lost about 7 pounds, and I find that I have a LOT more energy than I did previously....
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lolz. Red vs. Blue much? <33
Slayer fans are nuts man lol... i wish slayer would have been cut short so manson could have done his thing longer...
And we're back.
So. "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen." There was such potential here for a great film - really, how can you fuck up giant robots battling each other? It's easy. Here's how.
First, throw in a bunch of humor that wouldn't even make a fifth-grader crack a smile. Then make sure you leave holes in the plot large enough for Optimus Prime himself...
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So. "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen." There was such potential here for a great film - really, how can you fuck up giant robots battling each other? It's easy. Here's how.
First, throw in a bunch of humor that wouldn't even make a fifth-grader crack a smile. Then make sure you leave holes in the plot large enough for Optimus Prime himself...
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Develop your own stretching routine, go overboard if you need to. That has always been the saving grace for any insane workout, and subracts heavily from the recovery time.
Thank you kindly. Life is strange sometimes, but all we can do is move forward