Yes, I'm aware that I took quite the sabbatical from updating, but I'm back now, so you can cease with the bitching.
I'm not even going to attempt to hit every little detail of the events that transpired during my absence, otherwise I'll be sitting here all day. Instead, let's just talk about some of the higher points, shall we?
Vegas, Part One - The annual Game Crazy sales conference. This year was easily the most fun I've ever had at the show. I spent every day hanging out with all of my good friends from the district, saw a lot of GC folks that I hadn't seen in ages, and had an opportunity to test my leadership skills while Jason was away on family matters. I also drank entirely too much, met my favorite porn star, and made a couple of great new friends (who I'll be visiting next weekend).
Vegas, Part Two - Less than a week after returning from Vegas, I made a rather impromptu road trip back to Sin City to hang out with Andy, who was in town for the GameStop conference. Some top-secret James Bond shit allowed me to infiltrate the final day of the conference, where I got to hang out with one of my best friends and eat free food provided by the enemy. Kickass. We also went to Coyote Ugly, and I ran into a familiar face from the previous Vegas trip.
Indiana - Spent a week in Indiana as part of an early birthday celebration. I crashed at Sleeve's place while I was home, ate lots of shitty food, and drank excessively with Andy. Mullens and I sang karaoke (of course), I saw a lot of old acquaintances while out at the bars in Broad Ripple, and I went to the zoo. And I can't forget the highlight of the trip: Sarah Dulaney, who I hadn't seen in at least 5 years, flew back from Chicago a day early just so we could hang out, drink, listen to music, and talk until the wee hours of the morning. It's always great to reconnect with old friends.
And now, the part that I'm ashamed of: I haven't maintained my workout and diet routine since before Vegas. I allowed the trip to become an excuse to relax, which caused me to get lazy and lose focus, and then subsequent trips out of town were just one more excuse I could utilize. No more. I've gained back about half of the weight I had lost, and I don't have nearly the amount of energy that I did a few weeks ago.
So as of today, we're getting back on track - in fact, I'm starting over completely. I can't justify the idea of continuing a program that I abandoned for nearly a month, so we're going right back to square one - eating healthy, working out every day, and staying focused on the long-term goal. With busy season at work looming right around the corner, and several more trips planned for the rest of the year, it's not going to be easy, but I'm done making excuses. Wish me luck.
We've got a "Halo 3" tournament scheduled tonight at work, followed by the midnight release of "Halo 3: ODST." Should be a pretty productive night for us. I'll be working the next four days, then road tripping to San Diego on Friday to spend my birthday weekend hanging out with Rosalind and Jeralynn, and hopefully I'll get a chance to grab a drink or two with Morgan while I'm in town. The ocean, a dirty punk-rock bar, the San Diego Zoo, and who knows what other adventures await...
I'm not even going to attempt to hit every little detail of the events that transpired during my absence, otherwise I'll be sitting here all day. Instead, let's just talk about some of the higher points, shall we?
Vegas, Part One - The annual Game Crazy sales conference. This year was easily the most fun I've ever had at the show. I spent every day hanging out with all of my good friends from the district, saw a lot of GC folks that I hadn't seen in ages, and had an opportunity to test my leadership skills while Jason was away on family matters. I also drank entirely too much, met my favorite porn star, and made a couple of great new friends (who I'll be visiting next weekend).
Vegas, Part Two - Less than a week after returning from Vegas, I made a rather impromptu road trip back to Sin City to hang out with Andy, who was in town for the GameStop conference. Some top-secret James Bond shit allowed me to infiltrate the final day of the conference, where I got to hang out with one of my best friends and eat free food provided by the enemy. Kickass. We also went to Coyote Ugly, and I ran into a familiar face from the previous Vegas trip.
Indiana - Spent a week in Indiana as part of an early birthday celebration. I crashed at Sleeve's place while I was home, ate lots of shitty food, and drank excessively with Andy. Mullens and I sang karaoke (of course), I saw a lot of old acquaintances while out at the bars in Broad Ripple, and I went to the zoo. And I can't forget the highlight of the trip: Sarah Dulaney, who I hadn't seen in at least 5 years, flew back from Chicago a day early just so we could hang out, drink, listen to music, and talk until the wee hours of the morning. It's always great to reconnect with old friends.
And now, the part that I'm ashamed of: I haven't maintained my workout and diet routine since before Vegas. I allowed the trip to become an excuse to relax, which caused me to get lazy and lose focus, and then subsequent trips out of town were just one more excuse I could utilize. No more. I've gained back about half of the weight I had lost, and I don't have nearly the amount of energy that I did a few weeks ago.
So as of today, we're getting back on track - in fact, I'm starting over completely. I can't justify the idea of continuing a program that I abandoned for nearly a month, so we're going right back to square one - eating healthy, working out every day, and staying focused on the long-term goal. With busy season at work looming right around the corner, and several more trips planned for the rest of the year, it's not going to be easy, but I'm done making excuses. Wish me luck.
We've got a "Halo 3" tournament scheduled tonight at work, followed by the midnight release of "Halo 3: ODST." Should be a pretty productive night for us. I'll be working the next four days, then road tripping to San Diego on Friday to spend my birthday weekend hanging out with Rosalind and Jeralynn, and hopefully I'll get a chance to grab a drink or two with Morgan while I'm in town. The ocean, a dirty punk-rock bar, the San Diego Zoo, and who knows what other adventures await...
And at current, you're a good listener. Bahahaha 
