Got a few hours to kill before work, so this seems like a good time for an update.
After 4 weeks of P90x, I stepped on the scale Monday morning to discover that I'd lost almost exactly 10 pounds since the day I began. Not a bad start, if you ask me. Some of the people I work with have commented on the weight I've lost and the overall change in my attitude, so that also serves as a motivating factor. Last night's workout was an ass-kicker, and I'm already preparing myself for how sore I'll be by the end of the week. But I still feel great, and that's the important part.
The kittens have settled in nicely. They spend the majority of their waking hours wrestling and chasing each other around the apartment, then curling up on the couch with me when they wear themselves out. They're fairly well-behaved, for the most part - nothing has been destroyed yet, so I'm taking that as a good sign. O'Malley is the more mischievous of the two, but the spray bottle tends to keep him in line. At least while I'm home, anyway. Donut is pretty docile, and insists on being as close to me as she possibly can when I'm relaxing. She's destined to be a lap cat, just like Bandit was.
Work has been rough lately. The summer has been slower than we had anticipated, so I've had to make a lot of labor cuts, which means I have to work more shifts in order to balance things out. I only had one day off last week, and the same is true for this week. Maybe even next week, too. I'll be glad when we get into late August/early September and start seeing some major titles released. Working a nine hour shift and seeing less than ten customers walk through your door is discouraging when you're trying to build a successful business.
Visiting Indiana soon.

Looking forward to seeing everyone. Karaoke that Wednesday, for sure.
That is for now, kids.
After 4 weeks of P90x, I stepped on the scale Monday morning to discover that I'd lost almost exactly 10 pounds since the day I began. Not a bad start, if you ask me. Some of the people I work with have commented on the weight I've lost and the overall change in my attitude, so that also serves as a motivating factor. Last night's workout was an ass-kicker, and I'm already preparing myself for how sore I'll be by the end of the week. But I still feel great, and that's the important part.
The kittens have settled in nicely. They spend the majority of their waking hours wrestling and chasing each other around the apartment, then curling up on the couch with me when they wear themselves out. They're fairly well-behaved, for the most part - nothing has been destroyed yet, so I'm taking that as a good sign. O'Malley is the more mischievous of the two, but the spray bottle tends to keep him in line. At least while I'm home, anyway. Donut is pretty docile, and insists on being as close to me as she possibly can when I'm relaxing. She's destined to be a lap cat, just like Bandit was.
Work has been rough lately. The summer has been slower than we had anticipated, so I've had to make a lot of labor cuts, which means I have to work more shifts in order to balance things out. I only had one day off last week, and the same is true for this week. Maybe even next week, too. I'll be glad when we get into late August/early September and start seeing some major titles released. Working a nine hour shift and seeing less than ten customers walk through your door is discouraging when you're trying to build a successful business.
Visiting Indiana soon.

Looking forward to seeing everyone. Karaoke that Wednesday, for sure.
That is for now, kids.
Tee hee
still sticking to that p90x. I got the videos and realized it was way out of my league. I'll stick to my 2hour free weight sessions. pull ups and push ups are to hard for me.