And we're back.
So. "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen." There was such potential here for a great film - really, how can you fuck up giant robots battling each other? It's easy. Here's how.
First, throw in a bunch of humor that wouldn't even make a fifth-grader crack a smile. Then make sure you leave holes in the plot large enough for Optimus Prime himself to walk through. While you're at it, go ahead and create two of the most annoying, offensive, and racially-stereotyped characters ever to be committed to film. Oh, and don't forget to show the dogs fucking. Twice.
That's not to say that I didn't enjoy the movie, because I did. Just not nearly as much as I wanted to, and not nearly as much as I could've if there hadn't been so much extraneous bullshit wrapped around the excellent action sequences. Oh well.
Got to hang out with a bunch of the SGAZ folks for Adric birthday bash a couple of weeks ago. We partied it up at Tavern on Mill for a few hours, then Fat Tuesday's for a bit before the festivities adjourned to the hotel. Unfortunately, I decided to call it a night at this point, since I had to work the following morning. Apparently there were copious amounts of nudity that I missed out on. For shame, for shame.
Speaking of SGAZ, I'm excited that we've got two events coming up this month.
In other news, I've started doing the P90x workout routine. I've spoken with a number of people who have seen great success with it, and the convenience of being able to do it at home was a big selling factor. Today was the third day, and let me assure you, these guys are NOT fucking around. I can feel every single muscle that I've utilized during the past couple of days, and all of them are angry. In fact, I couldn't even FINISH the Plyometrics workout yesterday (which, from what I understand, is fairly common when first starting out). I know the stiffness and sore muscles will dissipate over time, but right now, it SUCKS.
The annual sales conference in Vegas is coming up next month, so that's exciting. Free swag, free food, and free booze. Can't wait.
Found out today that Every Time I Die will be playing the Marquee just a few days before my birthday. This is excellent news.
I would also really like to visit Indiana soon - I just have no idea when (or how) I'll be able to accomplish such a thing.
And that's all. Time to get ready for work.
So. "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen." There was such potential here for a great film - really, how can you fuck up giant robots battling each other? It's easy. Here's how.
First, throw in a bunch of humor that wouldn't even make a fifth-grader crack a smile. Then make sure you leave holes in the plot large enough for Optimus Prime himself to walk through. While you're at it, go ahead and create two of the most annoying, offensive, and racially-stereotyped characters ever to be committed to film. Oh, and don't forget to show the dogs fucking. Twice.
That's not to say that I didn't enjoy the movie, because I did. Just not nearly as much as I wanted to, and not nearly as much as I could've if there hadn't been so much extraneous bullshit wrapped around the excellent action sequences. Oh well.
Got to hang out with a bunch of the SGAZ folks for Adric birthday bash a couple of weeks ago. We partied it up at Tavern on Mill for a few hours, then Fat Tuesday's for a bit before the festivities adjourned to the hotel. Unfortunately, I decided to call it a night at this point, since I had to work the following morning. Apparently there were copious amounts of nudity that I missed out on. For shame, for shame.
Speaking of SGAZ, I'm excited that we've got two events coming up this month.
In other news, I've started doing the P90x workout routine. I've spoken with a number of people who have seen great success with it, and the convenience of being able to do it at home was a big selling factor. Today was the third day, and let me assure you, these guys are NOT fucking around. I can feel every single muscle that I've utilized during the past couple of days, and all of them are angry. In fact, I couldn't even FINISH the Plyometrics workout yesterday (which, from what I understand, is fairly common when first starting out). I know the stiffness and sore muscles will dissipate over time, but right now, it SUCKS.
The annual sales conference in Vegas is coming up next month, so that's exciting. Free swag, free food, and free booze. Can't wait.
Found out today that Every Time I Die will be playing the Marquee just a few days before my birthday. This is excellent news.
I would also really like to visit Indiana soon - I just have no idea when (or how) I'll be able to accomplish such a thing.
And that's all. Time to get ready for work.
Develop your own stretching routine, go overboard if you need to. That has always been the saving grace for any insane workout, and subracts heavily from the recovery time.
Thank you kindly. Life is strange sometimes, but all we can do is move forward