SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Not really. Inside joke.
I've got a headache that refuses to go away and a stomach that is quite happily filled with biscuits and gravy. I suppose this is as good a time as any for an update.
The funeral was yesterday morning. A lot of hugs, a lot of crying, and a lot of wishing that Dan had made a different choice. If he could've seen the number of people in that room yesterday, could've realized how much he was loved, maybe things would've turned out differently. It's a shame that it happened the way that it did.
A bunch of us that had worked with him got together at a little restaurant in Scottsdale after the service, where we all sat around telling stories and remembering the great times we had all shared with him, from poker games to late nights on Xbox Live to his (mis)adventures during last year's Vegas trip. One thing that remained a constant was his ability to make everyone laugh - one of the many, many things that we're gonna miss about him.
After such a somber morning, I didn't want to spend the whole day dwelling on the situation, so I came home, showered and changed clothes, then met up with _Sylar_ and Blanch at pacmanman's house in Mesa for an afternoon of drinking, listening to music, and hanging out, during which the quote of the weekend was produced. In reference to the collective distaste for a fairly graphic photoset on SG - "It's supposed be like, classy pinup stuff. Not like, hey, here's my butthole."
Plans quickly formulated for an evening of swimming and continued drinking at Casa del Blanch, so we relocated around 6:30, where our quartet was also joined by Kate and FatherFrank. We swam, we drank, we played an X-rated version of Mad Libs ("remember to check behind the genitals"), and at some point I managed to consume far too much alcohol. Like, FAR too much.
I only remember bits and pieces, but I know I spent a good portion of time throwing up into the sink, then drifting in and out of consciousness while sitting on the kitchen floor next to the refrigerator. _Sylar_ convinced me to eat a few pieces of bread and to keep drinking water, which gradually helped me feel better. She then helped me over to the couch, put a cold washcloth on my forehead, and threw a blanket over me. Kate and FatherFrank had already left by this time, and "Superbad" was playing on the TV.
I remember a glass of water being spilled on me, and I remember having a bite of someone's pizza, and I remember _Sylar_ leaving and everyone else going to bed. I woke up around 5am this morning, and my eyes hurt so bad from sleeping in my contacts that I decided to drive home and take them out. I crashed out pretty hard after that, and didn't get back out of bed until almost noon.
I had lunch with Blanch and pacmanman at this awesome little place called Harlow's, where they filled in a lot of the blanks on about last night's events for me. They were greatly amused at my ability to wake up long enough to shout random "Superbad" quotes and then immediately go back to sleep. They also told me what a great job _Sylar_ did of taking care of me, even though I kept arguing with her about eating the bread.
Despite generating some amusing results, I'll admit to being a bit embarrassed at my inability to know my limits - it's pretty rare for me to drink THAT much. But as Blanch said today, "We've all been there." Gonna take it easy today, get some stuff done around the apartment, and watch "Transformers" to get myself hyped for the sequel. Tuesday at midnight!
Enjoy these pics. Not sure why they're cropped weird on this page, but the un-cropped versions are in my "Attachments" album.

I've got a headache that refuses to go away and a stomach that is quite happily filled with biscuits and gravy. I suppose this is as good a time as any for an update.
The funeral was yesterday morning. A lot of hugs, a lot of crying, and a lot of wishing that Dan had made a different choice. If he could've seen the number of people in that room yesterday, could've realized how much he was loved, maybe things would've turned out differently. It's a shame that it happened the way that it did.
A bunch of us that had worked with him got together at a little restaurant in Scottsdale after the service, where we all sat around telling stories and remembering the great times we had all shared with him, from poker games to late nights on Xbox Live to his (mis)adventures during last year's Vegas trip. One thing that remained a constant was his ability to make everyone laugh - one of the many, many things that we're gonna miss about him.
After such a somber morning, I didn't want to spend the whole day dwelling on the situation, so I came home, showered and changed clothes, then met up with _Sylar_ and Blanch at pacmanman's house in Mesa for an afternoon of drinking, listening to music, and hanging out, during which the quote of the weekend was produced. In reference to the collective distaste for a fairly graphic photoset on SG - "It's supposed be like, classy pinup stuff. Not like, hey, here's my butthole."
Plans quickly formulated for an evening of swimming and continued drinking at Casa del Blanch, so we relocated around 6:30, where our quartet was also joined by Kate and FatherFrank. We swam, we drank, we played an X-rated version of Mad Libs ("remember to check behind the genitals"), and at some point I managed to consume far too much alcohol. Like, FAR too much.
I only remember bits and pieces, but I know I spent a good portion of time throwing up into the sink, then drifting in and out of consciousness while sitting on the kitchen floor next to the refrigerator. _Sylar_ convinced me to eat a few pieces of bread and to keep drinking water, which gradually helped me feel better. She then helped me over to the couch, put a cold washcloth on my forehead, and threw a blanket over me. Kate and FatherFrank had already left by this time, and "Superbad" was playing on the TV.
I remember a glass of water being spilled on me, and I remember having a bite of someone's pizza, and I remember _Sylar_ leaving and everyone else going to bed. I woke up around 5am this morning, and my eyes hurt so bad from sleeping in my contacts that I decided to drive home and take them out. I crashed out pretty hard after that, and didn't get back out of bed until almost noon.
I had lunch with Blanch and pacmanman at this awesome little place called Harlow's, where they filled in a lot of the blanks on about last night's events for me. They were greatly amused at my ability to wake up long enough to shout random "Superbad" quotes and then immediately go back to sleep. They also told me what a great job _Sylar_ did of taking care of me, even though I kept arguing with her about eating the bread.
Despite generating some amusing results, I'll admit to being a bit embarrassed at my inability to know my limits - it's pretty rare for me to drink THAT much. But as Blanch said today, "We've all been there." Gonna take it easy today, get some stuff done around the apartment, and watch "Transformers" to get myself hyped for the sequel. Tuesday at midnight!
Enjoy these pics. Not sure why they're cropped weird on this page, but the un-cropped versions are in my "Attachments" album.

Look at my butthole!
...he is a pretty big dork, isn't he? =P