I suppose it wouldn't be Thanksgiving without my annual list of things that I'm thankful for.
Dad and Jan. I don't know that I've ever seen two people quite so perfect for each other. My old man may have had some struggles in the love department for a good portion of his life, but they've finally paid off. Seeing them together never fails to make me smile, and if I had to pick one things I missed most about Indiana, it would be seeing them on a regular basis.
Mom and James. Mom and I still don't talk that often, but I suppose I make up for it with how frequently I talk to James. My relationship with them has always been a solid one, and while they may not always understand or agree with the decisions I make, they're always supportive, which is a lot more than some people get from their parents.
Bart. Still the best friend I have, and unlikely to ever change. I hate that he's back on the other side of the country, but we still talk two or three times a week, which gives us the opportunity to geek out over comic book movies and discuss the latest episode of "Heroes." I can't even begin to put a value on the advice and support he's given throughout the tenure of our friendship, and I don't know what I would do without him.
Mia. This time last year, we weren't even on speaking terms, but a lot can change in a year. We're back to talking almost every day and describing our immense hatred for each other on a regular basis, and she even came out to visit me after I relocated. She toyed with the idea of transferring schools and coming out to Arizona on a permanent basis, and I'm still hoping she does, because it would be great to have such a good friend out here with me.
Dave. Speaking of having good friends out here with me, I continue to be glad that Dave came to Arizona. He's proved his worth as a friend time and time again, and whether working together, drinking together, or gaming together, Arizona wouldn't be nearly as awesome without him.
Andy. Despite an unfortunate incident that resulted in us not speaking to each other for more than a month, I still love the big dork like a brother, and Dave and I both wish that he would stop fucking around and move to Arizona.
Kate. With her brutal honesty and her insistence that I continue to drink far more than I used to, she's been the source of many great experiences in the six months I've been back here in the desert. She's a wonderful friend, and a wonderful person, and I couldn't imagine loving this place half as much if I wasn't able to swing by her apartment two or three times a week to hang out with her, Dave, and Matt.
Asian Dave. Without him, I wouldn't have been able to come back here so soon, and I'll always be grateful for his willingness to give me a place to live. He's been a great friend in the three years that I've known him, and I never have to question whether or not he would be there if I needed help.
Everyone else, despite the lack of an individual entry, don't doubt for a second that I care about each and every one of you. Hope your holiday is a good one.
Dad and Jan. I don't know that I've ever seen two people quite so perfect for each other. My old man may have had some struggles in the love department for a good portion of his life, but they've finally paid off. Seeing them together never fails to make me smile, and if I had to pick one things I missed most about Indiana, it would be seeing them on a regular basis.
Mom and James. Mom and I still don't talk that often, but I suppose I make up for it with how frequently I talk to James. My relationship with them has always been a solid one, and while they may not always understand or agree with the decisions I make, they're always supportive, which is a lot more than some people get from their parents.
Bart. Still the best friend I have, and unlikely to ever change. I hate that he's back on the other side of the country, but we still talk two or three times a week, which gives us the opportunity to geek out over comic book movies and discuss the latest episode of "Heroes." I can't even begin to put a value on the advice and support he's given throughout the tenure of our friendship, and I don't know what I would do without him.
Mia. This time last year, we weren't even on speaking terms, but a lot can change in a year. We're back to talking almost every day and describing our immense hatred for each other on a regular basis, and she even came out to visit me after I relocated. She toyed with the idea of transferring schools and coming out to Arizona on a permanent basis, and I'm still hoping she does, because it would be great to have such a good friend out here with me.
Dave. Speaking of having good friends out here with me, I continue to be glad that Dave came to Arizona. He's proved his worth as a friend time and time again, and whether working together, drinking together, or gaming together, Arizona wouldn't be nearly as awesome without him.
Andy. Despite an unfortunate incident that resulted in us not speaking to each other for more than a month, I still love the big dork like a brother, and Dave and I both wish that he would stop fucking around and move to Arizona.
Kate. With her brutal honesty and her insistence that I continue to drink far more than I used to, she's been the source of many great experiences in the six months I've been back here in the desert. She's a wonderful friend, and a wonderful person, and I couldn't imagine loving this place half as much if I wasn't able to swing by her apartment two or three times a week to hang out with her, Dave, and Matt.
Asian Dave. Without him, I wouldn't have been able to come back here so soon, and I'll always be grateful for his willingness to give me a place to live. He's been a great friend in the three years that I've known him, and I never have to question whether or not he would be there if I needed help.
Everyone else, despite the lack of an individual entry, don't doubt for a second that I care about each and every one of you. Hope your holiday is a good one.
haha you are just horny!! :batattak:
I miss my cat!!
there are four here though. I want MINE!!