fuck, dammit.
ah hell forget it.
no wait, I hate having journal entries that amount to nothing more than a cheap ass cop-out.
So I'll ramble a bit mm-kay?
regular readers will know that we had a rather lovely little meet here in the UK in Bristol on friday, I did much driving and collecting, met my most lovely of all lovely friends.
except the Sg's that night all had a conspiricy against me!
they neglacted to point out the wannabe porn star in the club at the time when it would have made sense, no instead they mention this interesting fact only AFTER we had left the club.
I got back at 6 am sat morning. and felt dredful all day. blergh.
then yesterday I had to open my mouth fully and cram my foot into it, by making a stupid stupid comment to Vixen on msn (which I did'nt mean) and I was erally tearfully sad that I had upset her without meaning to (not that I would want to upset her or anybody for that matter)
so this week I shall be very low key and trying to fix bridges, cause it's not nice to have drama over such things.
msn is great for keeping touch but sometimes sarchasm just does not come over well at all.
btw Vixen REALLY needs to get her tattoo done like ASAP or I think she will go nutty.
go cheer her up and tell her I'm really sorry too.
Rainbow ooo you lovely minx you!
sigh as always.
nope I'm gonna ramble some more, I got UT2004 yesterday and it's a cracker of a game, I am so doing the whole up til 2am playing unreal tournament again. w00t!
I'm quite looking forward to seeing what comes about this week not sure why but I'm in a groovy mood.
I'll be happier when I get all this drama I have created gets sorted out.
edit : the Drama is sussed all is right with the world, carry on.
ah hell forget it.
no wait, I hate having journal entries that amount to nothing more than a cheap ass cop-out.
So I'll ramble a bit mm-kay?
regular readers will know that we had a rather lovely little meet here in the UK in Bristol on friday, I did much driving and collecting, met my most lovely of all lovely friends.
except the Sg's that night all had a conspiricy against me!
they neglacted to point out the wannabe porn star in the club at the time when it would have made sense, no instead they mention this interesting fact only AFTER we had left the club.
I got back at 6 am sat morning. and felt dredful all day. blergh.

then yesterday I had to open my mouth fully and cram my foot into it, by making a stupid stupid comment to Vixen on msn (which I did'nt mean) and I was erally tearfully sad that I had upset her without meaning to (not that I would want to upset her or anybody for that matter)
so this week I shall be very low key and trying to fix bridges, cause it's not nice to have drama over such things.
msn is great for keeping touch but sometimes sarchasm just does not come over well at all.
btw Vixen REALLY needs to get her tattoo done like ASAP or I think she will go nutty.
go cheer her up and tell her I'm really sorry too.
Rainbow ooo you lovely minx you!
sigh as always.
nope I'm gonna ramble some more, I got UT2004 yesterday and it's a cracker of a game, I am so doing the whole up til 2am playing unreal tournament again. w00t!
I'm quite looking forward to seeing what comes about this week not sure why but I'm in a groovy mood.
I'll be happier when I get all this drama I have created gets sorted out.

edit : the Drama is sussed all is right with the world, carry on.