Monday Apr 12, 2004 Apr 11, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email Why am I sneezing so damn much today dammit???? I know something you don't know. nyah nyah nyah. VIEW 17 of 17 COMMENTS rachel: "sometimes i read your journal and really if there is any SG who deserves to have people all day with their cocks up for it's you!" dude... you just made my fucking year!! aaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! i feel so proud... *accepts flowers, sash and tiara* Apr 12, 2004 rachel: and i, you... *sniff* *heehee* Apr 12, 2004
dude... you just made my fucking year!! aaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!
i feel so proud... *accepts flowers, sash and tiara*