All desiring to puke and cry, go here.
I was looking for lyrical inspiration.. and I think I found it.
I bring the world my first non-remake with lyrics in many months. It is a beautiful song, if I may be so humble.
edit um holy shit. I just monitored the song in my headphones and you can't hear the lyrics, at all. So, nevermind, I'll redo it tomorrow.
With my dropping out of school, I am planning to open my own business. Research is being done. No, not like those talks you have with friends where you're inspired for a week or two and somehow forget the idea when one of the partners acquires a boyfriend/girlfriend. You watch me- I'll live the American nightmare someday.
edit 2
christ. I would like it explained to me how I attract people who are not right in the head. All I am is socially ...unique or disinterested, not psychopathic.
I'm kind of disturbed right now.
In other news:
I was looking for lyrical inspiration.. and I think I found it.
I bring the world my first non-remake with lyrics in many months. It is a beautiful song, if I may be so humble.
edit um holy shit. I just monitored the song in my headphones and you can't hear the lyrics, at all. So, nevermind, I'll redo it tomorrow.
With my dropping out of school, I am planning to open my own business. Research is being done. No, not like those talks you have with friends where you're inspired for a week or two and somehow forget the idea when one of the partners acquires a boyfriend/girlfriend. You watch me- I'll live the American nightmare someday.
edit 2
christ. I would like it explained to me how I attract people who are not right in the head. All I am is socially ...unique or disinterested, not psychopathic.
I'm kind of disturbed right now.
In other news:
