There's something about movies/songs/paintings/pictures/poems that leave me feeling empty that I just can't get enough of.
I'm a masochist, I suppose, although I don't particularly derive any pleasure from it.
In other news:
I decided I didn't want to stand out anymore, so I dyed my hair black. I've never been too good at blending in, but I want to try it.
I'll post pics when I can get around to caring about taking pictures of myself. I should also do another set soon. My friend just moved into this neat basement (neater than the one I live in) so I want to get some bondage gear together and, you know, get naked and stuff. It'll be totally plain-joe goth shit.
Also, I just wanted to advertise my *real* journal again, in case anyone wants to know the *real* me (as if there's much difference):
ok, here ya go, pictures:
whoa, huge pictures, all up in your face. sorry about that.
I'm a masochist, I suppose, although I don't particularly derive any pleasure from it.
In other news:
I decided I didn't want to stand out anymore, so I dyed my hair black. I've never been too good at blending in, but I want to try it.
I'll post pics when I can get around to caring about taking pictures of myself. I should also do another set soon. My friend just moved into this neat basement (neater than the one I live in) so I want to get some bondage gear together and, you know, get naked and stuff. It'll be totally plain-joe goth shit.
Also, I just wanted to advertise my *real* journal again, in case anyone wants to know the *real* me (as if there's much difference):
ok, here ya go, pictures:


whoa, huge pictures, all up in your face. sorry about that.
but i'm afraid she has better boobs than you.