I watched two movies this weekend. Evelyn and Adaptation.
Evelyn is the story (Based on real life) of an Irish man in the 1950's, who has his children taken from him and put in what amounts to an orphanage. His wife deserts them at the beginning of the movie, and he is declared to be incapable of providing for his children, by an Irish legal system rampantly and insidiously infiltrated by the Catholic Church. (Can you tell I love those Catholics?) The man must prove the unconstitutionality of the law that keeps his children from him, and through perseverence, inspiration and love, he does so. Predictable in some ways, I still liked it for more then a few reasons. One. I never mind a story that manages to embarrass both the government and most creed based religions.
Two. I'm a single father and I appreciate the fact that many poorly written laws based on prejudices against men as good parents have had to be overcome to get us to where we are today. More could be done, if you ask me. Three. The acting was good and the characters entertaining. Especially the mans daughter (Evelyn) who is a headstrong, gutsy and compasionate little urchin. Reminds me of my little one..
Adaptation.. I never got to see it in the theaters. A mildly mind bending flick. I wasn't sure I liked how obvious they were about wandering back and forth through time, nor was I thrilled with the "movie about a guy writing a screenplay about a movie..etc". Someone thinking too much while drinking his Latte Grande double half decaf. But. That doesn't mean I didn't like the overall feel of the movie, and it sure as hell worked in terms of pulling emotions out of me. (I'm sensitive....sue me.) I identified with Charlie, the main charcter played by Nicholas Cage. How easy is it to shut down and stay within our own protected realms? .... Don't let people in....don't let emotions out. Been there...still sometimes doing that. Not very satisfying. It made me sad to see him lose his brother. I'd hate to lose mine. The thing I'll take away is this: Love whomever you will, regardless of what they feel. In other words. Be yourself, do your thing, Listen to your own inner spirit's voice. What others think or do matters little if it doesn't agree with what you believe and who you are.
Movie reviews are over.
I rode a couple miles to a friends and back today. Bad idea. My thighs are aching again!! Anyone want to volunteer to massage them.
Note to self. Afte long training ride, rest one full day!!
Favorite Girl Theme: Smoldering Eyes!!
Evelyn is the story (Based on real life) of an Irish man in the 1950's, who has his children taken from him and put in what amounts to an orphanage. His wife deserts them at the beginning of the movie, and he is declared to be incapable of providing for his children, by an Irish legal system rampantly and insidiously infiltrated by the Catholic Church. (Can you tell I love those Catholics?) The man must prove the unconstitutionality of the law that keeps his children from him, and through perseverence, inspiration and love, he does so. Predictable in some ways, I still liked it for more then a few reasons. One. I never mind a story that manages to embarrass both the government and most creed based religions.
Adaptation.. I never got to see it in the theaters. A mildly mind bending flick. I wasn't sure I liked how obvious they were about wandering back and forth through time, nor was I thrilled with the "movie about a guy writing a screenplay about a movie..etc". Someone thinking too much while drinking his Latte Grande double half decaf. But. That doesn't mean I didn't like the overall feel of the movie, and it sure as hell worked in terms of pulling emotions out of me. (I'm sensitive....sue me.) I identified with Charlie, the main charcter played by Nicholas Cage. How easy is it to shut down and stay within our own protected realms? .... Don't let people in....don't let emotions out. Been there...still sometimes doing that. Not very satisfying. It made me sad to see him lose his brother. I'd hate to lose mine. The thing I'll take away is this: Love whomever you will, regardless of what they feel. In other words. Be yourself, do your thing, Listen to your own inner spirit's voice. What others think or do matters little if it doesn't agree with what you believe and who you are.
Movie reviews are over.
I rode a couple miles to a friends and back today. Bad idea. My thighs are aching again!! Anyone want to volunteer to massage them.
Favorite Girl Theme: Smoldering Eyes!!
i don't really look at too many people's pics, unless their journal says "hey, check out my pics"--and then BAM!! CATS!! ugh!
busy day. tired. heading to sleep, so i can wake up tomorrow when i need to. why does waking up have to be so much harder than falling asleep?? lol