Thank you @rare!
Here are my answers to the new and exciting summertime questionnaire!
1. Who's ready for fall and cooler weather?
I'm definitely ready! I can't handle the heat very well, and this year, I'll be experiencing my first New England fall in 25 years!
2. Your favorite 2 seasons?
Spring is my definite favorite. The other is probably fall, but early fall.
3. Did you go on a summer vacation or Holiday?
If moving across the country counts as a vacation, then I am currently enjoying one right now!
4. Who's going to upcoming summer concerts? Or have you been to any concerts this summer?
Concerts aren't really my thing. I don't like large crowds.
5. Favorite 4 summertime activities?
Hiking, road trips, beach frolics, and chilling on the patio.
6. Who's ready for Halloween?
I haven't celebrated Halloween since my teenage years. But I'm definitely ready to hand out candy to the youngsters and see their wonderful costumes!
7. Who thinks global warming is real, and affecting our planet?
There is sufficient evidence to conclude that global climates are changing, but this isn't the first time such changes have been reported. Still, I think we have a responsibilities as stewards of this planet to preserve nature as best we can. There's only so much we can do though.
8. Projects your working on this summer!
Nothing really. I'm so busy starting a new job in a new place.
9. Who's been to festivals this summer? Who's going to upcoming festivals this summer? Also can be Fair or State Fair!
No festivals this summer, but my new home town/state has fall festivals and a 3-county fair. I'm looking forward to both of those.
10. Who's been camping, hiking or backpacking this summer?
The weather in Tucson wasn't too favorable for hiking, but there are a few trails I'd like to explore when I get to my new home.
10. Who's ready to bring meet ups back to the community?
We have fairly relaxed rules when it comes to gatherings here in the U.S., so we've been doing gatherings here for over a year now. Personally, I'm looking forward to visiting family and getting involved in the community in my new home.
11. Favorite 3 non alcoholic beverages in the summer?
Cold-brewed coffee, water, and Arnold Palmers
12. Favorite 3 alcohol drinks and beer in the summer.
I do not consume alcoholic beverages.
13. Who visited a park, forest, National Forest, State Forest, or Nature this summer?
I just visited the Peace Arch National Park in St. Louis, Missouri.
13. Who's tried something different this summer? Can be anything you want to share.
I guess my move.
14. Coke Pepsi or Water?
15. Craziest thing you've done this summer?
I'm doing it right now!
16. Favorite ways to cool off from the summer heat.
Stay inside with the AC running.
17. Favorite 4 summer vegetables?
Spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, and summer squash.
18. Anyone travel to another country this summer?
No, not this summer.
19. Something you hate about summer?
Summer's nice, except for the heat. I get heat exhaustion easily, so I can't stay out too long during the summer.
20. What would be a favorite summertime date for you.
Dinner & ice cream in a beach town, then lying together on the beach, taking in the sun, maybe frolicking in the water. Then after that, just enjoy each others' company; maybe cuddle together watching a movie in an air-conditioned room.
And that's my summer in a nutshell.

Really liked your answers~ Thank you David 😊

And thank you @rare for inviting me to take the questionaire. I love these. 🥰