I appreciate the tag, @rare. It's always nice getting to know you. I've been away for a month, but this seems like a really fun occasion to log back in to SG. Here are my responses to the Q & A.
⚡️ What is the color of your hairbrush?
I don't own a hairbrush yet. I'll probably need one soon, since I'm growing my hair out.
⚡️Name a food you never ever eat:
I'm quite adventurous. There are no foods I would never eat.
⚡️Are you typically too warm or too cold?
Too cold, it seems.
⚡️What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
I was going over some pictures I took of my walk around Tucson while watching some classic wrestling.
⚡️What is your favorite candy bar?
I'm a big fan of mounds bars.
⚡️Have you ever been to a professional sports event?
I've been to a few wrestling events back in the day. It used to be a way for my dad and I to bond. I'll probably do so again after the pandemic is done with. My girlfriend and I are both big wrestling fans.
⚡️What is the last thing you said out loud?
"Have a great day" to the grocery store clerk.
⚡️What is your favorite ice cream?
⚡️What was the last thing you had to drink?
⚡️Do you like your wallet?
⚡️What was the last thing you ate?
⚡️Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
Coffee... err, I mean no.
⚡️The last sporting event you watched?
An old wrestling PPV event from the 1990's.
⚡️What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
⚡️ Who is the last person you sent a text message to?
The absolute love of my life.
⚡️Ever go camping?
If being in a travel trailer counts, then I used to do so yearly with my parents when I was a kid.
⚡️Do you take vitamins?
I do. I take a multivitamin to supplement my daily intake of fruits & veggies.
⚡️Do you go to church every Sunday?
I used to, but my church disbanded a few years ago, and I haven't been able to find a nice one since.
⚡️Do you have a tan?
I do. I live in the desert now, so it comes with the territory.
⚡️Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza?
It depends on the day, but I do enjoy both.
⚡️Do you drink your soda with a straw?
No, not really.
⚡️What color socks do you usually wear?
I have these awesome comfy black socks.
⚡️Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
I've been guilty of this a time or two. Usually I go a little over because otherwise drivers start tailgating me and it makes me very nervous.
⚡️What terrifies me?
My own feelings of self-doubt, especially as I get set to start my new career.
⚡️Look to your left, what do you see?
The cult of personality. And a television.
⚡️What chore do you hate?
Doing the dishes. I miss having a dishwasher!
⚡️What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
Nothing in particular. I've had acquaintances from there and they've been really cool people.
⚡️What’s your favorite soda?
I used to really enjoy birch beer, but it's really hard to find outside the New England/New York area.
⚡️Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
I don't have a car, so I usually just eat homecooked meals. If I'm feeling really crazy, I'll use Uber Eats.
⚡️What is your favorite number?
⚡️Who's the last person you talked to?
The absolute love of my life.
⚡️Last song you listened to?
Every night, I listen to an album called Red River Crossing by Marshall Styler. It's very nice soothing instrumental music, and it always helps lull me to sleep.
⚡️Last book you read?
All my books are packed in boxes. :( The last book I read was a textbook on embedded computer systems.
⚡️Favorite day of the week?
Every day is what we make of it, so I look forward to each day.
⚡️Can you say the alphabet backwards?
⚡️How do your coffee?
Black as my soul.
⚡️Favorite pair of shoes?
I have a really cool pair of blue canvas shoes that I like.
⚡️Time you normally go to bed?
Usually around 10:00 pm.
⚡️Time you normally get up?
Around 5:30 am.
⚡️What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?
I have been really enjoying sunsets lately, especially against the backdrop of the surrounding mountains.
⚡️How many blankets on your bed?
Just one.
⚡️Describe your kitchen plates?
They are a ceramic set. Most of them are clean in the cupboard, and one is currently soaking in some soap in the sink. Color wise, they are white with a blue ring around the perimeter.
⚡️Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
I don’t drink alcohol.
⚡️Do you play cards?
Used to play in childhood
⚡️What color is your car?
I don't have a car yet... :(
⚡️Can you change a tire?
I hope so. I probably could after studying the technical manual.
⚡️Your favorite state?
Every state I've lived in has granted to me some unique experiences and learning. It's impossible for me to pick just one, so I'll just name the ones I've lived in: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Texas, Washington, and Arizona.
⚡️Favorite job you ever had?
Probably the one I just started this past week. It's one I consider my dream job.
⚡️How did you get your biggest scar?
I was a young rapscallion and thought I could ride a bicycle without my parents' help. I could not. I fell and hurt my elbow very badly. It's my one and only permanent scar.
I'll pass this along to @amra, @nerwen, @francy, @chroi, and @sairouse as well as anyone else who would like to share a bit about themselves. Thanks again @rare