So it has been a while since I have been on I know... I guess I should just start over iwth my friend list, since some are gone, and some want nothing to do with me anymore. I am sorry I was a lurker in the SGAZ group, but I just was never on... I am sorry, I can't make 300 mile trips to PHX for events, I'm sorry I am a broke ass mofucka So I can't be part of groups to make events or prom or anything... I have been a member for over 2 years, and I guess I may as well have not had a public profile... well if anyone cares to be my friend, I am trying to be on more now.

Yeah, your neck of the woods, I have been thinking the same way... And Phoenix is a bit of a drive, although I have been thinking of hitting an event in LV one of these days...
I hang out with your good friend Aymie allllll the time