what a day...
I had to take my fucking roomate's girlfriend to work, and on this trip i got a nice fucking flat tire.
well, it took forever to get the goddamn donut out of the trunk, and then i found that I had NO FUCKING JACK!
SO I called my step dad, he came out with a jack for his Tundra, which would not at all fit under my car.
so we left the car and went to get a floor jack. that worked, and i finally got my tire changed
after that i spent like 2 hours at discount tire, since they were so busy, and since then I have been trying to de-virus my parents comp, but it is taking a long time for the virus scan to go... oh well, at least they are feeding me free dinner.
how was your day today?
I had to take my fucking roomate's girlfriend to work, and on this trip i got a nice fucking flat tire.
We all have those days, it will be over soon......unless your like me and have those years!!!!!
Did you ever talk to the guy I emailed about the Guest Spot???
I kinda felt Lame for not even getting a Response.