So.... I'm at a wedding a few weeks ago, and all throughout the reception there's this weird guy talking about his military service with a few other army-types. Eventually I make my way over to the table and say "Hi" and all that. Since he was such an out-there military dude, I figured I'd ask him about compulsory service. We both agreed that all the military's recruitment policies are a huge waste of resources (and I'm really getting tired of Army ads every time I try to watch 'Star Trek.") Anyhow - we eventually get around to talking about how he was injured and, as a result, discharged. He said that he didn't get a Purple Heart, and I asked indignantly how come (he was in Iraq, for cryin' out loud)... and he said laughingly that he'd been hurt by a detainee that he'd been bashing. Hence the 'no Purple Heart' thing. And I put out my smoke and walked away. Still don't feel quite right, as a matter of fact. Fuckin' dickheads, man - thery're everywhere.
If you're ever in the mood for a more uplifting military-style story, check this out.
If you're ever in the mood for a more uplifting military-style story, check this out.
so glad you approve and appreciatie my wet boobies