went tagging yesterday. i heard of a place to go practice my freehand and stencil techniques. i need alot of work.
i also did some bleach printing on tshirts, the effect is really cool. eric made a self portrait t-shirt that came out amazingly well. it looked like a stained glass window the way it came out, i wish i'd gotten a picture of it.
next step: 11"x17" stencil. eventually i want to do my SG stencil at double size, 17"x22" i just need find a place that can print it for me.
i saw Farenheit 9/11, it was informational but then again, i don't care. the sooner civilization crashes and burns the better. afterwards we went to the IHOP on Mockingbird and i think the waitress used to be on SG.
the sooner civilization crashes and burns the better. A fellow member of the Fuck It party, I see.