ugh, so i dropped the class. i picked up the dallas observer today, the big cover article this week is about how impossible it is to get dildos in the metroplex. i haven't read it yet but i'm sure it'll be good.
tomorrow i'm going to explore the dallas underground with a friend. the underground is a set uf tunnels connecting some big hotels and offices in downtown, they've been there since the 70's and have stores and restaurants.
8 days till i'm 21.
tomorrow i'm going to explore the dallas underground with a friend. the underground is a set uf tunnels connecting some big hotels and offices in downtown, they've been there since the 70's and have stores and restaurants.
8 days till i'm 21.

If you're lucky you may run into the Dealy Lama while you're exploring down in the catacombs down dere.
Whoa! That sounds like fun. I bet there are horribly disfigured mutants down there!