fucking tired of feeling fucking tired. i'm full of wine and lead weights in my chest. i need another drink. i need a cigarette. i need someone to curl up next to. i need a megaphone so i can tell the world i live her. i need a sledgehammer so i can smash the everliving fuck out of anything that gets in my way. i...
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I'd call you right now cause I'm feeling equally fucked. But it's been four hours since you posted this, so I doubt you are still counscious and/or want to drink and drown the sorrows.. Buit I'm up for it tomorrow. FUICMKKKKKKKKK puke bok oink frown

[Edited on Jan 02, 2005 1:07AM]
thanks for ya comment on my set! glad u liked it biggrin have a wickjed new years!
Happy new year biggrin
Thank you kiss
I'm soooo happy smile

now, for a real update... ON DRUGS!!!!!!!

went to see The Falkon with Marina tonight on the way there we stopped to get some DXM. shit. good rock'n'roll is already a relogious experience for me, on drugs its fucking rapture. tomorrow i'll have to remember to bite her real good. grrr.

you suckers missed out. the show was FUCKING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

i will now go unconcious.
Thank you very much dear for commenting my set! if you wanna see some more pics check out my journal...
mary new set make me so horny ***!!!!

o god i am all the day with my cock up confused this girl make me so horny... love
i am the only one??
she make me soooo horny...

yes the city was doing the construction so theyre gonna have to pay for my towing fees.

harem of hot cyborg assassins? fuck i live in the wrong country....

frank's wild years. i now know it well enough to use it as a monolouge. discuss.

[i forgot to finish before i hit submit.]

marina called me on her way back. her car ran out of gas, that was resolved. a cop stopped to help and got her some gas for free. she brough me back a cherry djarum, we shared it and went for...
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facts tonight.
i am on drugs.
my copy of Medulla is mysteriously scratched.
she just left for home.
i could use a drink right now.
a clove would be nice too.
i should tell her i love her.

[7:30 and the room is blue]
and i think i might today.

things i need.
a shower.
real food.
a mimosa.
Marina. .... ...
I am very drunk. And hoping for a bottle of drugs tomorrow. Mehehkdmdkm,,,,,,
That is so sweet how you met your s.o., it made me smile. smile Ahhh...sometimes I wish it were only that easy. You got lucky!

went to SAW with marina. that movie is pretty sick. i liked it. good work from a young director, its also good to see danny glover doing more movies. afterwards we went by my friend, jenn's to have a hookah. root of my `ugh` for the night. the shisha was kind of gummy, she bought it for the last party i had which was...
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vomit's really the test.
sleep is for the weak, anyway. you don't need it, you toughie. i'm sure it's not a necessary part of your JET-Rock'n'Roll lifestyle. smile
the past two weeks are lost in a haze of diphenhydraine. i've been hitting the stuff hard since marina's quasi-boyfriend rolled into town. i need to really sit and talk with her about this. i live the girl to death and its making me crazy[er] in the head.

i need to build a spray hood so i can work in peace, its to damn windy...
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Is that like cough syrup?
shit, skip it all and go to huffing gold spraypaint... ALL the kids are doing it
i am and always have been my own worst enemy
doubts, fears, and misgivings are reflected and given more power over my mind
there are funhouse mirrors and clouds of smoke
my illusions lead me over the cliff into the real world i have done my best to ignore

it is many things in many forms
the looking glass
the bottle
a drug...
[your] love....
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oh my, what a darling that Miyavi is. Goes right onto my shelf of idols together with Mana and Hyde and all other delectable visual kei rockers. I still want that clove ciggie.
I neither partied nor puked, but thanks anyway.
i say truths in emporer's clothes.
the truth is plain to see
but the robes are only for those with higher vision.

she told me her boyfriend is coming to visit. a new sense of burning urgency washed over me. there are things i must say before then. important things. it's floating just outside of my liminal thought, waiting for the ether tide to bring...
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my spoon is too big!!!!!
a decent weekend. friday night i took the crew to see the Red Elvises in their 7th show in dallas. i haven't missed one yet and it gets better every time. marina was supposed to come too but se had to stay home and do home work. ends up her computer died and she diddn't get to do it anyway, sometimes i wonder if my...
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let me know when you play next! wink