...Yeah, there's gonna be some "I told you so's" when this is done.
Someone once told me that new clothes and the like really can make you feel happier, more up-beat, have a brighter outlook on life, etc. Well, I've always been the sort of guy who can survive and thrive off the same shirts and few jeans/pants for months if not a year. I never really need new clothes, other than to replace that which has finally met its time. That is to say, I generally wear clothes to death.
And then Christmas happened. I got a couple of nice shirts, a nice fit-at-the-waist but still baggy legged jeans, which I like, some new shoes, and...a brand new friggin nice ass leather jacket. I mean, we're talking high-end leather, here. And I started thinking about myself, and how little I ever take care of myself. I only shave when I must for work, I only trim my nails when my wife or my job will care, and I never really do anything because it would be healthy or nice just to do it.
With this jacket, though, it makes me want to feel right when I wear it. It makes me want to look good in it, to have a good hair cut, to be clean shaven (since I can't grow facial hair properly to save my life), to work out and get in better shape. I don't know if anyone ever felt quite like this before, but I'm guessing I'm not the only one. Shit, I need to find a group to post this in.
I guess all I'm trying to say is, I've come to realize that settling for what's easiest isn't always the best, and that I really feel I should do more, with this jacket as my new inspiration. Anyways, night everyone.
Someone once told me that new clothes and the like really can make you feel happier, more up-beat, have a brighter outlook on life, etc. Well, I've always been the sort of guy who can survive and thrive off the same shirts and few jeans/pants for months if not a year. I never really need new clothes, other than to replace that which has finally met its time. That is to say, I generally wear clothes to death.
And then Christmas happened. I got a couple of nice shirts, a nice fit-at-the-waist but still baggy legged jeans, which I like, some new shoes, and...a brand new friggin nice ass leather jacket. I mean, we're talking high-end leather, here. And I started thinking about myself, and how little I ever take care of myself. I only shave when I must for work, I only trim my nails when my wife or my job will care, and I never really do anything because it would be healthy or nice just to do it.
With this jacket, though, it makes me want to feel right when I wear it. It makes me want to look good in it, to have a good hair cut, to be clean shaven (since I can't grow facial hair properly to save my life), to work out and get in better shape. I don't know if anyone ever felt quite like this before, but I'm guessing I'm not the only one. Shit, I need to find a group to post this in.
I guess all I'm trying to say is, I've come to realize that settling for what's easiest isn't always the best, and that I really feel I should do more, with this jacket as my new inspiration. Anyways, night everyone.
have fun bein' older