Another day of duty. The blow of a whistle over all of the speakers throughout the boat. The setting of the sun, the lowering of the red, white, and blue flag I salute on a nearly-daily basis. At last, this day is nearly over, and tomorrow I shall not tarry aboard. No, I shall leave this floating steel with a quickness.
In the meantime, anyone reading this far in to my journal must love me or have some interest. Or maybe you're just really bored. In either case, just click on my link here, click the appropriate box after the number-word shows up, and help me win my game! You can even join if you like.
Thanks, and have a nice night. Duty dude, signing off.
In the meantime, anyone reading this far in to my journal must love me or have some interest. Or maybe you're just really bored. In either case, just click on my link here, click the appropriate box after the number-word shows up, and help me win my game! You can even join if you like.
Thanks, and have a nice night. Duty dude, signing off.
go steal the halloween pics from the SG808 group and post it as your pic