HOLY CRAP!!! I'm journal-ing. Does that make you people happy? While I sit here bored to death stuck in cellblock 60, the mighty warship
i've called home for far too long, you relax in your soft beds and comfy shoes and non-regulation shirts. And I should update? Okay. o if anyone has paid any attention, I've added my 5th G, though my wife isn't happy with at least one of my choices. She thinks it's all about the T&A, rather than the coolness of the person or their set. I'll leave it up to you to guess which one though.
On another note, this is by far my longest journal entry to date, and I'm still going. Which reminds me, I haven't written in my real pen&ink journal in a while. Ah well, this shall suffice for the time being.
o let's see, what shall we write more about? Ah, a fun topic. My sister, the...troubled one of my troubled family, is joining the Navy. mall round of applause. Let's just hope she doesn't a) become a navy whore, b) drop out of boot camp, cuz "it's too hard." or c) make it through bootcamp only to fuck up worse on the inside. All three are very valid scenarios. Let's hope none come to fruition.
And in the news today...Mister Guy's news, that is...I must beg the navy to keep me here on this boat an additional year to my already additional 7 months, which will leave me onboard for 5 years when all is said and done...and that doesn't sit well with me, if only for the fact that it all could have been avoided had a certain NC onboard known his fucking job, or even cared about it. o instead, for his failures, I suffer to live in Hawaii even longer. I know, boohoo, right? Hawaii might be great for some people, but I'm not of that crowd. I like the cool mornings year round, snow, not worrying about sweating my ass off by simply existing...it's just not doing it for me. Besides the suck-assness of the scene out here, unless the ghetto rap is your thing. Anywho, I'm sure some of you have gone catatonic by now due to the sheer length of this post. o goodnight, and enjoy your beds, blankets, sheets, and stuffed animals. Be thankful. Not everyone has what you or I do.

On another note, this is by far my longest journal entry to date, and I'm still going. Which reminds me, I haven't written in my real pen&ink journal in a while. Ah well, this shall suffice for the time being.
o let's see, what shall we write more about? Ah, a fun topic. My sister, the...troubled one of my troubled family, is joining the Navy. mall round of applause. Let's just hope she doesn't a) become a navy whore, b) drop out of boot camp, cuz "it's too hard." or c) make it through bootcamp only to fuck up worse on the inside. All three are very valid scenarios. Let's hope none come to fruition.
And in the news today...Mister Guy's news, that is...I must beg the navy to keep me here on this boat an additional year to my already additional 7 months, which will leave me onboard for 5 years when all is said and done...and that doesn't sit well with me, if only for the fact that it all could have been avoided had a certain NC onboard known his fucking job, or even cared about it. o instead, for his failures, I suffer to live in Hawaii even longer. I know, boohoo, right? Hawaii might be great for some people, but I'm not of that crowd. I like the cool mornings year round, snow, not worrying about sweating my ass off by simply existing...it's just not doing it for me. Besides the suck-assness of the scene out here, unless the ghetto rap is your thing. Anywho, I'm sure some of you have gone catatonic by now due to the sheer length of this post. o goodnight, and enjoy your beds, blankets, sheets, and stuffed animals. Be thankful. Not everyone has what you or I do.
I'm not dwelling, it was just an instance of what really grinds my gears.

You know, you can comment in my journal too duder. Cause like, commenting in your own is just silly!